This rhyme can be a charm for a relationship that is strained. SEE MORE...
40 Pantun shoot romantic girlfriends, effective in making you emotional
These 45 love poems for boys are really romantic, making PDKT even more exciting
45 rhymes that will make your boyfriend feel emotional, he will automatically love you all the time
45 This welcome rhyme is entertaining, makes the atmosphere warmer
55 This romantic love rhyme makes him so emotional that he automatically blushes
45 Romantic bucin rhymes, make your partner love you even more
45 Romantic and salty love poems that can melt your partner's heart
These 55 rhymes for guys with 2 lines are guaranteed to make your partner excited and memorable
55 Assalamualaikum rhymes to open the event, guaranteed to keep the audience entertained
65 Bucin rhymes for couples, make you feel awkward