
Pantun Melayu has many functions as a means of communication, education and conveying values, entertainment and social bonding.

  20 Mei 2024 06:25 - Poems have become works of literature that are so attached to the culture of Indonesian society. Not only the Betawi tribe, the poem is also very close to the Malay tradition. Poems have similarities from the Javanese language, namely the word parik which means pari and in the Malay language it is called paribasa or proverb.

The poem was first written by Haji Ibrahim Datuk Kaya Muda Riau. He was a writer who lived at the same time as Raja Ali Haji. Poems also first appeared in Malay history and popular stories inserted in poems such as Ken Tambunan.

Malay poems consist of four lines with cross rhymes (abab) and usually have two parts, sampiran (the first two lines) and content (the last two lines). Malay poetry has many functions as a means of communication, education and conveying values, entertainment, and social bonding.

Well, let you not be curious about what kind of entertaining Malay poems are, here summarizes from various sources on Monday (20/5), 45 interesting and entertaining Malay poems , full of meaning.

Malay poems

Malay poems


1. Sit relaxed on the porch

Seeing uncle drinking standing up

Looking at the mirror happily after showering

Surprised to see myself.

2. Mom is good at dancing

Without being tired like mom attached

Your face is beautiful today

I want to borrow money for a restaurant.

3. Monkeys steal bugis

His eyes hurt from nettles

You laugh I cry

Lovers go away.

4. From Johor to Abung Semuli

On his way home, he bought muli bananas

Eat a hearty who cares

The important thing is that the stomach is full again.

5. A sharp knife engraved with the name of the dagger

Don't be thrown because of a cough

Wishing to be magnificent as the heart desires

Teruna we comb friends.

6. Road from Rokan to Indragiri

Carrying ink to Kuala Linggi

Can you rest yourself?

Tomorrow will meet again.

7. In silence brother paddled

Fear of being chased by crocodiles

Every night I complain

Because you already have it.

8. The electricity goes out, there are no candles

Be a pitch black house

Traditional dance facing the bride

While fascinated by the beautiful face.

9. Go to Bangka to bring fish

Fish is obtained from the ocean

Full of blessings of the month of Ramadan

I apologize.

10. Go to the next city to attend a meeting

The road is so difficult that the legs hurt

Come to people who have a wish

I want to express my heart's desire.

11. How beautiful gold and diamonds are

Looking for it half dead

A group of pirates went to sea

Don't know what to look for.

12. I want to eat curry

Yam stem mushroom curry

Indescribable joy

Meet a kind sister.

13. The flower stands on top of the para

Village children install lamps

If you make a mistake, speak

Fingers crocheted sorry asked.

14. My brother is very shy

Even though he is normal

Stomach churning like a Malay orchestra

Sing the flower song.

15. Uncle Maksim blinked

Friendly banter while hiding

A group of pirates holding weapons

Instead of robbing but singing.

16. There was a storm, uncle Arisan

The sound of the crowd is like whiplash

If only lazy

I don't know what will become of your life later.

17. The Malay orchestra performed here

Lots of people having fun

What do you want to be?

School doesn't end and prayer is forgotten.

18. How friendly my aunt greeted me

His smile is as sweet as sugar

No more ugly faces

Don't know the customs either.

19. Buy shoes to be depressed

Great price with zero lots of seeds

By walking quickly together

Reach the good country you dream of.

20. Planting flowers until the garden

The proceeds are sold for profit

Lose since not competing

His good promise was immediately enforced.

Interesting Malay poems

Malay poems


21. Kaki ran after the grasshopper

Grasshoppers can look male

Which one is good, take it home

But please leave the bad ones.

22. Getting a stone turns out to be lucky

Father saw and got angry

What does civilized Malay mean?

Living side by side with consensus.

23. The eyes of the fish

It's really obvious

My brother is still a role model

Even if it's just a striped crocodile.

24. Go to the sword sharpening city

Even the road is slippery with rain

Appearance and wealth are indeed lacking

Use knowledge to improve yourself.

25. Eating fruit feels good

If the time is good, it will taste good

Love is there to bind

Until the podium continues side by side.

26. Uncle and aunt winked at each other

Friendly banter while eating serabi cake

A group of Pirates holding weapons

Considered to rob and even sing.

27. How beautiful gold and diamonds are

Looking for the metal is half dead

A group of pirates set sail to the ocean

I don't know what he is looking for.

28. Greet each other when passing each other

A smile spread between them

It's not good looking

Act like a devil.

29. I want to eat curry

Yam stem mushroom curry

Indescribable joy

Meet a kind sister.

30. The flower is dedap above the para

Village children install lamps

If you make a mistake, speak

Crocheted fingers apologize.

31. The rioters

Where should the police arrest him?

Wearing safari big and shabby

Turns out from grandfather too.

32. The pilgrim has returned to Malay land

Bring the white hat and his hand

I'm not good at studying

With parents fighting anyway.

33. How friendly Cik Gu greeted

His smile is as sweet as sugar

It's bad looking

I don't know the customs either.

34. Walk to Jimbaran

Rainy weather immediately appeared rainbow

How happy it is to welcome Lebaran

The extended family came to visit.

35. Knitting yarn with pins

Be careful with fingers

The joy of the heart

Seeing grandchildren come here.

Malay poetry entertains

Malay poems


36. Aunt Arisan's stormy

A wild sound like whiplash

If only lazy

I don't know how your life will be.

37. Grandma is very old

Knitting cloth while coughing

Then what do you have?

Everything you nailed belongs to my grandfather.

38. Javanese nobility named priyayi

Malay nobles don't know what their name is

A group of pirates sing

How happy their hearts are.

39. The singer of the Malay orchestra fell down

Really fell no joke

Let me tell you something important

You're not even handsome, friend.

40. I want to go to Johor

A traveler goes alone

I put the mirror in front of his face

He was horrified to see his own appearance.

41. Carrying sacks of wheat and rice

The poor grandfather brought it while coughing

Go to the surau wearing sarong

Grandfather's heirloom sarong.

42. Javanese nobility named priyayi

Malay nobles don't know what their name is

A group of pirates sing

How happy their hearts are.

43. Orkes Malay gambus perform here

Many people rejoice

What do you want to be?

School doesn't end and you forget to pray.

44. A member of the rainbow army named Harun

Even though he is like that, he has a good heart

A group of pirates looking for treasure

Not sure where it is.

45. Sit and relax on the porch

Drinking tea is not good while standing

Looking at the mirror happily after showering

Shocked to see his own appearance.

Malay-style rhyming tips

Berpantun ala Malay is an oral art that is rich in tradition and the beauty of words. In Malay culture, poetry is not just entertainment, but also a way to convey messages, advice, or feelings in a beautiful and subtle way. Malay poems have a four-line structure with cross rhymes that contain deep meaning and captivating rhythm.

To master the art of Malay-style rhymes, a deep understanding of language, vocabulary, and culture is required, as well as creativity in arranging words that flow harmoniously. By appreciating traditional values and expressing creativity in poetry, one can enrich and beautify the rich and unique Malay cultural heritage.

As for how to rhyme in the Malay style, you can understand the structure of the poem, learn Malay vocabulary, creativity in expression, complement it with musical accompaniment or cultural background, practice interacting regularly, uphold the traditional Malay cultural values, and continue to learn and grow.
