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The idea is just random, but it's quite entertaining. When you come to the polling station you have a story.

  14 Februari 2024 17:25 - The 2024 General Election (Pemilu) has begun. The Indonesian democracy festival, which is held every five years, determines the nation's leadership for the next period. In this election, the Indonesian people will determine who will lead for the 2024-2029 period.

All Indonesian people who have met the requirements as voters from various circles flocked to the polling place (TPS) to cast their vote.

Uniquely, the 2024 election, which coincides with Valentine's Day, is also an opportunity for several regions to compete to decorate their polling stations. On social media, several unique TPS sightings have been uploaded by netizens.

It's not just TPS that has a Valentine's theme . However, there are also KPPS officers who decorate their polling stations with various ornaments that tend to be eccentric and make you wonder. Of course, this is entertainment and also attracts people's interest in participating in the election.

Curious as to what? Compiled by from various sources, Wednesday (14/2), the following is a hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election TPS wearing unique decorations, making you vote while grinning.

1. Like a wedding celebration, the following TPS is decorated so beautifully in the style of a Javanese wedding reception. Is the list of permanent voters (DPT) coming auto-invited?

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

2. At the TPS there is actually a photo booth. This is an opportunity to make a story.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

3. Does one of the KPPS members have a furniture shop? The TPS is full of ladles, buckets and gallons.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

4. Because it's Valentine's Day, this TPS decoration uses an all-pink concept.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

5. Neat and aesthetic, don't forget the red and white colors, right?

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

6. If the decoration is like this, after voting for president you can vote for a balloon.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

7. At this TPS, is there a buffet table? The decoration is really like a wedding reception.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

8. The TPS is full of bright colors, can it make your mood brighter too?

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

9. This TPS is dominated by black and yellow police lines. Is this a TPS or a crime scene?

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

10. Use lots of plant decorations, I think. This is a Gen-Z style TPS portrait.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station

11. Who has a polling station like this in their place? Just build a graduation stage, bro.

Hilarious portraits of 2024 Election TPS Various sources

Hilarious portrait of the 2024 Election Polling Station
Facebook/Ateng Decoration
