Funny memes that will make you laugh all day~

  14 Februari 2024 11:20 - The 5th annual democracy party for the Indonesian people was held simultaneously on Wednesday (14/2). At this moment, every person aged 17 years and over will use their voting rights to elect the president and vice president, as well as the legislative members who will sit in the council seats.

For those of you who are eligible to vote, don't forget to use your voting rights. The reason is, one vote will determine the fate of the nation for the next five years, you know. Don't waste the voting rights you have. Especially for young voters or first-time voters who have just received their voting rights.

Usually, after voting, many people show off portraits of purple ink on their little fingers. Some of them then uploaded it to their respective social media accounts . However, netizens always behave in different ways.

Instead of dipping ink on their fingers, some of them actually dip it all over their bodies, you know. How's the hilarious portrait? Below, see the summary from various sources on Wednesday (14/2).

1. Just the little finger, guys, don't be like this.

Funny memes after voting  various sources

photo: Twitter/@Edwinfauqon

2. Remember, don't use the ink for masks.

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photo: Twitter/@MahanPhrima

3. Would you rather not have the heart to wipe it on your palms ?

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photo: Twitter/@idan_hp

4. Eh, it's not like that, bro.

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photo: Twitter/@lmysh_

5. This is called wasting ink.

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photo: Twitter/@furyyneko

6. It doesn't matter if your nose is smudged with ink, the important thing is that you can still feel the pleasure of picking your nose.

Funny memes after voting  various sources

photo: Twitter/@furyyneko

7. Maybe the character Thanos was inspired by the election, huh?

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photo: Twitter/@zzchamzz

8. It's possible, sis.

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photo: Twitter/@wiwikjf99

9. It's best not to abstain, guys, but don't spill ink on your clothes either.

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10. There is some truth to this.

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photo: Twitter/@randydot

11. Whose behavior is it that you are hiding your body's ink?

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12. Wow, you don't dip the ink into your hands, you drink it instead.

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13. This sophisticated election ink can spread throughout the body in just 1 day.

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14. This happens often. Dry your little fingers first, guys.

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15. It turns out the ink ran out because it was used to cover the body.

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photo: Twitter/@woodpenters

16. This is what would happen if Mystique was dipped in election ink.

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photo: Twitter/@HardayuAWSM

17. Be careful with the penalty for abstention, it turns out it's also dangerous.

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18. Abstention is not a solution. But remember, if you finish voting, you can't smudge too much ink.

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19. Does your hair have ink on it too?

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photo: Twitter/@OhMyShaka

20. This is what happens if you don't be careful when you dip your finger in ink.

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photo: Twitter/@grlme1

21. Wow, this is also ink for a face mask, right?

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photo: Twitter/@mellebore

22. It feels like free hair polish, dyeing it with ink.

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photo: Twitter/@cybfess

23. It's the fingers that are dipped, not the clothes. Then you might get angry with your mother at home.

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photo: Twitter/@lvlyjhk

24. Wow, there's something wrong with the ink.

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25. Remember, don't use the ink for masks.

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26. Duh, don't be like this, okay? Come on, use your voice.

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27. Yes, it's not even in your head, it's just something that happens.

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28. It is better to vote than abstain. Because by voting you have contributed to the country. But, don't forget it all over your body either.

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29. The ink is four fingers, so it's exciting , right?

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30. Have you ever dipped your fingers in ink?

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