Candidate Pair 2 recorded 110 votes out of a total of 171 votes collected

  14 Februari 2024 15:22 - Today is an important moment for the Indonesian people to determine their choice in the 2024 General Election. A number of polling stations throughout Indonesia are currently counting the votes received since this morning to report to the General Election Commission (KPU).

The vote tally for presidential-vice presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, was observed to be ahead in the vote count at TPS 034 Manahan, Solo. The polling station is where Gibran and his wife Selvi Ananda voted today, Wednesday (14/2). reported from, Wednesday (14/2) KPPS TPS 034 Manahan officers started counting the votes at around 13.35 WIB. The vote counting process began with opening the presidential and vice presidential ballot boxes witnessed by witnesses.

Prabowo Gibran wins TPS Manahan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@gibran_rakabuming

Then the ballot papers are removed one by one from the ballot box to find out which pair of president and vice president have been chosen. Then the ballot papers are spread out and shown to the witnesses to find out which pair voted for.

In counting the votes, the Chairman of KPPS TPS 034 Manahan, Heru Mawanto was in charge of spreading out the ciblosed ballot papers. Pair number 2, Prabowo-Gibran dominated when the vote counting began.

Prabowo Gibran wins TPS Manahan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@gibran_rakabuming

After counting the votes for around 25 minutes, the vote results for the presidential-vice presidential candidate pair, Prabowo-Gibran, won by a landslide compared to the votes for the other presidential-vice presidential candidate pairs.

"For candidate pair 1, 6 votes were recorded. Candidate candidate 2 recorded 110 votes and candidate pair 3 recorded 53 votes. Meanwhile, 2 ballot papers were invalid. So a total of 171 votes," said Heru Mawanto when reading out the results of the vote count for president and vice president.

Quoted from, Heru said that the total number of permanent voters (DPT) at TPS 34 was 182 people. This means that eleven people recorded in the DPT did not exercise their voting rights.

Prabowo Gibran wins TPS Manahan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@gibran_rakabuming

Previously, Gibran and his wife Selvi Ananda voted at TPS 34 Manahan, Solo, Central Java, Wednesday. The two of them arrived at the polling station at around 11.07 WIB.

It appears that the two of them received no special treatment when they arrived at the polling station. After registering, they get a ballot paper and then enter the booth to vote for their respective choices.

Gibran admitted that he had no special preparations before coming to the polling station. "There are no special preparations. Come, vote, go home," he said.
