KPPS officers were seen on standby in front of the public toilet yard.

  14 Februari 2024 13:20 - Among the many moments in the 2024 Election that are taking place in various parts of Indonesia, there is an unusual sighting in the Tasikmalaya area, West Java.

The reason is, residents of Gunung Karikil Village, Tuguraja Village, Cihideung District, Tasikmalaya City, had to vote at one of the odd-looking polling stations that attracted a lot of attention from netizens.

TPS 36 in the village has a different shape from TPS in general. This TPS was built at the location of a public toilet. KPPS officers are on standby in front of the public toilet area, while voters will use the toilet room as a voting booth to vote for presidential and vice presidential candidates, as well as candidates for legislative and DPD members.

Public toilets become polling stations in Tasikmalaya YouTube

photo: YouTube/Liputan6

Reported by from the YouTube video on Tuesday (14/2), the decision to use public toilets as TPS locations was taken due to limited space. It is known that there are four toilet rooms that are used by the DPT to vote while the voting is being carried out.

"That's our problem because we don't have any more space, so the TPS uses public MCKs (WCs)," said Hendriyana as chairman of TPS 36, quoted from , Wednesday (14/2).

Public toilets become polling stations in Tasikmalaya YouTube

photo: YouTube/Liputan6

Even though the location was in a toilet, the KPPS members decorated the TPS location with various ornaments. Such as celebration-style tents, lace fabric, and ornamental plants. Not only that, in the toilet room which is used as a voting booth, there are also air fresheners such as camphor and ornamental plants to beautify the voting booth.

Public toilets become polling stations in Tasikmalaya YouTube

photo: YouTube/Liputan6

Equipment for voting is also available in it. Apart from that, to ensure that the smell is not unpleasant, this public toilet was reportedly closed several days before the election. During the voting process, the toilet room was also sprayed with room perfume every 2 hours.

Public toilets become polling stations in Tasikmalaya YouTube

photo: YouTube/Liputan6

"So this toilet hasn't been used for three days, we have filled the toilet with sand temporarily, and given it regular decoration and perfume every two hours," explained Hendriyana.
