foto: Instagram/@gibran_rakabuming

The decoration and giving of chocolates, which are identical to the feel of Valentine's Day, was the decision of the KPPS TPS 034 Manahan committee.

  14 Februari 2024 10:14 - Wednesday (14/2) is the day that determines the future of the Indonesian nation in the next 5 years. The 2024 election will fall on February 14 along with Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Not wanting to miss Valentine's Day as well as the voting for the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates, Members of the DPR, DPR, and DPRD provinces and cities, the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) officers at TPS 034, Manahan Village, Banjarsari, Solo City used Valentine's themed decorations.

TPS 034 was the place where Gibran Rakabuming Raka, vice presidential candidate number 2 and his wife Selvi Ananda exercised their voting rights. It is known that KPPS TPS 034 Manahan officers began carrying out the TPS opening procession at 07.00 WIB. The opening of TPS 034 began with the playing of the song Indonesia Raya.

After singing the national anthem, the next event was a speech from the Chairman of KPPS 034 Manahan, Heru Mawanto and then continued with the reading of the oath and promises of KPPS officers. After the formal opening ceremony, KPPS officers continued the procession by opening the seal of the ballot box to count the contents of the ballot papers in the box.

TPS 034 Manahan used by Gibran Rakabuming has a Valentine's theme  2024

photo: Liputan6

The opening of the ballot box was witnessed by a number of witnesses on duty at TPS 034 Manahan. It is known that Gibran Rakabuming Raka and his wife were scheduled to vote at the location at 08.00 WIB but their noses were not yet visible.

Carrying the theme of Valentine's Day, the candidate's location number 2 is located in the courtyard of the Urban Soccer Field or futsal field. Decorated with a Valentine's theme, the TPS was dominated by pink and white. It is known that the decoration preparations have been carried out by KPPS TPS 034 Manahan officers since Monday (13/2).

TPS 034 Manahan used by Gibran Rakabuming has a Valentine's theme  2024


Meanwhile today, KPPS officers have continued preparations at the polling stations by installing cloth covers, decorative cloth and arranging tables and chairs. Not only pink decorations, KPPS officers also put up a banner with the words 'Welcome to TPS 34 Manahan' and equipped with a picture of the 'saranghae' symbol or a typical Korean love symbol. In accordance with the theme, the banner is dominated by pink and white.

From Heru Mawanto's account, he explained that the theme was chosen because Valentine's Day coincided with the voting, so he was inspired to decorate with shades of pink and flowers.

"By coincidence, the election is on February 14 and that is usually Valentine's Day, so it has a Valentine's theme with a pink background," said Heru, quoted by , Wednesday (14/2).

Furthermore, for the security of the 2024 election voting, especially at TPS 034, Manahan Village, special security will be provided from the National Police and TNI Headquarters.

What's even more interesting is that at this polling station, after voting, voters will receive chocolate which is synonymous with Valentine's Day. A number of chocolates complete with the words 'Happy Valentine's Day' were provided as a way to celebrate Valentine's Day which coincided with voting day.

TPS 034 Manahan used by Gibran Rakabuming has a Valentine's theme  2024 various sources

photo: Liputan6

After exercising their right to vote, residents immediately received chocolate from the officer standing guard at the ink dipping table. This chocolate giveaway was successful in surprising a number of voters.

Giving chocolate to voters who have exercised their voting rights is the decision of the KPPS TPS 034 Manahan committee. This is done to celebrate Valentine's Day.

"Yes, because voting day coincides with Valentine's Day, we are making this TPS have a Valentine's Day feel," said Heru Mawanto.
