- If you want to vote, people will be directed to come to the polling place (TPS). TPS in Indonesia are physical locations where citizens can vote during the General Election (Pemilu) process. At that location, voters will carry out an identity verification process, receive a ballot, vote in secret, and then put the ballot into the ballot box provided. In the context of the 2024 elections, voting activities are scheduled for February 14 2024.
This TPS will be managed by a committee of state servants which we often call KPPS (Voting Organizing Group). There are several things that must be considered when setting up a TPS. In Article 350 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, it is stated that the number of voters for each TPS is a maximum of 500 people.
The regulation also states that TPS locations must be easy to reach, including for people with disabilities. Apart from that, the committee was asked to pay attention to geographical aspects and ensure that every voter can cast their vote directly, freely and secretly.
The KPU itself, through KPU Regulation Number 25 of 2023, specifically explains how the TPS concept was established. Article 7 paragraph 2 letter c states that TPS must be made with a size of at least 10 meters long and 8 meters wide or can be adjusted to local conditions. And the next letter confirms that TPS must be created no later than 1 day before the voting date.
However, the KPU does not regulate decoration matters so that the KPPS can be creative in preparing the TPS. As long as there is enough money, KPPS can make decorations like a celebration event. This is what was done at the polling station in Magelang. It is known that the exact location is at TPS 10 Genito Village, Windusari District.
Just from the front, people could be fooled that this is a TPS or a celebration event. But for a celebration, how come there are no curved yellow leaves. Just look at what it looks like. Everything was collected by from the TikTok account with the username @xyz.aardii on Tuesday (13/2).
1. The entrance shows a large tent with gate decorations like a wedding . How can people not be fooled?
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
2. Even at the KPPS premises, the walls are decorated with flower decorations. There is a long table and chairs covered with white cloth.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
3. The waiting seats for the voters are also made parallel and have a white cloth. If this is the case, you can reflexively take rendang.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
4. This is what makes netizens wonder. How can you make it this luxurious, where does the budget come from?
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
5. Thinking about using an aisle, compared to the TPS where the supervisory committee (Panwas) is usually located, it is quite luxurious.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
6. The road to the voting booth is decorated using a reception-style gate. Not to mention the flower decorations and some fake leaves which add beauty to the room.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
7. The sound booth uses a round table that is aligned.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
8. The place for dipping ink is like a guest book keeper.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
9. The exit is no less luxurious than the entrance. The committee made different paths between voters who had just arrived and those who had already finished.
photo: TikTok/@xyz.aardii
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