Enjoy various flavors of foreign cuisine at Via Via Jogja

  4 Mei 2021 15:00

Hello friend Brilio,

This time the Brilio.net team will invite you to a traveler 's restaurant located in the Caucasian village of Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta. This restaurant, called Via via, comes from Belgium. Operating since 1995, Via Via already has branches in various countries. In Indonesia, Via Via Jogja is the second and only branch in the country. Serving healthy menus from various countries in the world, this restaurant is attracting foreign and local tourists. Indonesian celebrities who visit Yogyakarta also don't miss stopping by Via Via.

Having a foreign menu with authentic flavors like the country of origin is the hallmark of this restaurant. Not only foreign dishes on the menu, Indonesian dishes are also available here. This restaurant also aims to introduce Indonesian flavors and culture to foreign tourists. Not only that, Via Via Jogja also provides space for local Jogja artists to present exhibitions every month. Consists of two floors with a minimalist and artistic concept to make customers comfortable. Visitors are also pampered with works of art displayed on the restaurant walls. The prices offered are also pocket friendly. Via Via Jogja could be an option for you to gather with friends and family.

If you're curious about what Via Via Resto is like, let's watch the full video!
