The mainstay menu at Warung Sop and Sate Beef Pak Bayu makes customers amazed and amazed.

  2 Juli 2021 15:00

Hello Brilio friends,

Presenting something unique and memorable is a way to attract customers to come to a food stall. This cannot be separated from Pak Bayu, who opened a stall north of Gentan Market, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Having started his career in the culinary field since 1982, Mr. Bayu is starting his third business. Presenting food dishes with a unique name, namely dinosaur bones, Pak Bayu's Beef Sop and Sate Stall has been operating since 2010.

The dinosaur balung (bone) menu with its large portions is one of the mainstay menus that makes customers amazed and amazed. This menu can be eaten by 3 to 4 people. Not dinosaurs in the true sense, but the size of the processed beef which is served in large sizes. Apart from that, there are many other menus that are no less extraordinary, such as Balung Gajah soup and Sengkel soup that customers can enjoy. Even though the portions are large, the prices offered are relatively affordable for the public. The owner does this so that the menu can be enjoyed by various groups. Moreover, the rustic feel that is presented adds an attractive impression to customers.

In the end, in early 2020 his stall went viral after the wira-wiri became a topic of conversation on social media. Many visitors come from various regions in Indonesia to satisfy their curiosity. Unmitigated, hundreds of portions are finished in a day. For those of you who want to come at lunch time or at the weekend, make sure you won't be very hungry, because you will queue for quite a long time to get food.

If you're curious about what dinosaur bones are like, let's watch the full video!
