The spicy and delicious taste makes customers come again

  14 Mei 2021 15:00

Hello friend Brilio,

One area in Yogyakarta that is rich in traditional culinary delights is Bantul. The team will take you to one of the most famous and legendary culinary places in Bantul, namely Warung Sambal Belut Pak Sabar. Having his address at Jalan Imogiri Barat km 6, Dusun Dokaran, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul Regency, Pak Sabar started his business in the 90s.

Customers never stop visiting this eating place. The traditional and authentic taste is the main attraction. Pak Sabar's various processed eels have successfully attracted national celebrities, ministers and even generals, to come and taste them.

This stall can consume hundreds of kilograms of eels in a day. Customers who come have to queue for up to 1 hour if the shop is busy. But don't worry about not getting a seat because the place is spacious and big, able to accommodate hundreds of people. This place to eat could be an alternative when you visit Yogyakarta with your family.

Are you curious about the processed eel chili sauce at this food stall? Come on, watch the full video!
