This legendary dish of soup without sauce is selling well with customers.

  1 Juni 2021 16:00

Hello friend Brilio,

Soto is a typical Indonesian food which is usually served using sauce, either coconut milk or clear sauce. However, unlike in Klaten and Boyolali, Central Java, you will find various types of soto, one of which is dry soto. Yup, you will find soto without sauce.

One of the legendary dry soto stalls in Klaten is Warung Soto Bu Yati, located in the alley south of Delanggu Market, Klaten. This stall, which is now in the hands of the second generation, has been operating since 1973. This stall not only sells dry soto but soup soup as well. However, the demand for dry soto is greater than for soup soup.

This simple but unique taste attracts customers to try it. Not a few customers from outside the city stop by to taste the deliciousness of this dry soto. Moreover, it is priced at an affordable price, making it a target for culinary lovers.

If you're curious about what the dry soto dish at Warung Soto Bu Yati is like, let's watch the full video!
