The taste is different from the others, and the affordable price means that you shouldn't skip this gudeg for breakfast

  24 September 2021 17:17

Hello Brilio Friends,

Come on, check out Brilio's video! The following!

Gudeg is known to the general public as a typical Yogyakarta food. This popularity also makes Yogyakarta known as Gudeg City. You can easily find this traditional food made from young jackfruit in various corners of the city. Various types of gudeg sellers also have their own characteristics. In the Karangwuni area, Sleman, Yogyakarta you will find a unique gudeg doused with peanut sauce.

The gudeg stall that sells this unique menu is called Gudeg Pagi Bu Dewi or what people usually know as Gudeg Karangwuni. This gudeg stall only sells in the morning in a small alley in the village. Even so, every day this gudeg stall can sell hundreds of portions of gudeg, you know. Not only is it famous for being delicious, but this stall also sells its gudeg at affordable prices, making this gudeg stall a regular for various groups. Gudeg is also a favorite for students looking for breakfast.

If you're curious about what the unique food prepared in this place is like, let's watch the full video!
