Selling for 40 years, Mbah Kalim's carabikang makes customers willing to come early so they don't run out

  21 September 2021 17:17

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Carabikang cake is a traditional snack made from rice flour and coconut milk. Shaped like a blooming flower, it makes people curious about its taste. This snack can now be found in many shopping centers with more modern taste modifications. If you are looking for something authentic with traditional flavors, you can try this legendary carabikang in Yogyakarta. Located not far from Malioboro, precisely on Jalan Sosrowijayan, you can find carabikang Mbah Kalim.

Carabikang with its traditional, old school taste is its trademark. Even though it's old school, the taste is unmatched. There's nothing wrong with people being willing to queue for a long time. Behind his simple stall, Mbah Kalim sells delicious carabikang at very affordable prices. Even though it has been selling for 40 years, the taste remains the same as before. Therefore, many customers always come back. Not only local residents, customers from outside the city are willing to come to get this carabikang. Eits, but you have to be willing to wake up early to be able to enjoy this legendary culinary delight, you know.

If you're curious about what the unique snacks at this place are like, let's watch the full video!
