Having a wide selection of delicious and affordable breakfast dishes, customers are willing to line up from the morning

  3 September 2021 17:30

Hello Brilio Friends,

Yogyakarta is also famous for its morning culinary delights. A variety of delicious and delicious foods are available for breakfast. So, if you visit Kotabaru, Yogyakarta, you will see one of the food stalls with a long, snaking queue. The food stall called Warung Pojok Mbak Yuni has apparently never been quiet since morning. This stall is known to be delicious, cheap and filling. The prices are also pocket friendly for students.

Serving home-style cooking with a variety of choices according to taste. Don't be half-hearted, this stall can sell up to hundreds of portions a day, you know. Interesting right?

Are you curious about what the unique menu at this place is like? Come on, watch the complete video!
