Customers are willing to queue before opening time to be able to enjoy this delicious waffle.

  14 September 2021 17:17

Hello Brilio Friends,

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This original European snack waffle is usually found in cafes and hotels. Usually served with quite fancy plating at a relatively high price. But in Yogyakarta you can find this waffle menu in street carts. Even though it is sold on the roadside, this menu is no less delicious than the ones usually sold in cafes. There is one street vendor of waffles in Yogyakarta who is popular because of the queues of buyers, namely Waffle Toby.

Even though they only sell in simple carts, culinary lovers always hunt for their waffles. Customers are even willing to queue before opening time to get this delicious waffle. Because to get this waffle customers have to queue for hours. No doubt, hundreds of waffles were sold out in one day. Sold at an affordable price with delicious toppings is the attraction of this waffle.

Are you curious about what this unique street food menu looks like? Come on, watch the full video!
