You can't find this dish of fried chicken drizzled in red sauce anywhere else.

  24 Agustus 2021 17:00

Hello Brilio Friends,

In Jogja, there are a variety of interesting and unique culinary delights that taste delicious at friendly prices. That's what keeps many culinary delights in Jogja busy and existing. Well, let alone the chicken menu, friend. The various processed menus created from this bird are sure to tempt your appetite. From fried chicken, grilled chicken, penyet chicken and so on. But have you ever heard of the Chicken Cha Do Jo menu?

Yes Chicken Cha Do Jo, you didn't read it wrong. This menu has been around for a long time and is a favorite of culinary lovers in Yogyakarta. The name of this menu does sound strange because it cannot be found in any food stall apart from Warung Demen which is located in Nologaten, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Even though the location is far from the main road and hidden in a housing complex, this stall is never empty of visitors. If you come after the Maghrib call to prayer, you will definitely not get a seat. It was so busy that customers had to wait for hours to get food.

Many people are willing to queue to taste this unique menu because of curiosity. However, after trying it, many people come back because of its deliciousness. Not a few customers are students because the prices are quite affordable with large portions.

Are you curious about what the unique menu prepared at this place is like, let's watch the full video!
