In one delivery of bamboo straws, Josh can make a profit of up to IDR 7 million.

  15 April 2020 14:38

Hello friends, here is an inspiring story from a successful bamboo straw manufacturer! Come on, let's see!

Josh Handani, a man from Yogyakarta, owns a bamboo straw business. Starting from requests from foreign guests, the bamboo straws have reached seven countries. In one delivery, Josh can make a profit of up to IDR 7 million. If accumulated, Josh can get up to IDR 25 million.

Bamboo straws are also a reflection of his love for nature. Don't use single-use plastic straws, the waste of which is difficult for nature to digest.
Josh hopes that people will be more aware of the 'severity' of waste. People can switch to natural alternatives and be proud of their non-waste behavior.

Bamboo for them (foreigners) is very exotic, it can't be reached because they don't have bamboo plants. In Europe for example. So they really appreciate it, they are very happy, and they show off very proud. 'Look a bamboo straw, I have a bamboo straw''. Here, 'What straw? Bamboo'. In fact, it's hidden like that. "We should be prouder because we don't litter," said Josh Handani.
