foto: TikTok/@mursid241

If you know the trick of making, banana gedebog can be conjured into a delicious menu that makes addictive.

  29 Agustus 2024 09:00

Banana trees can not only take the fruit to be fried, but also the stem or often referred to as gedebog is also often used for cooking. Even so, many people do not know that banana pulp can be eaten. In fact, if you know the trick of making it, banana gedebog can be conjured into a delicious and addictive menu.

One of the TikTok users with the account @mursid241 had time to share the recipe for making banana gedebog chips, here. He also has a trick so that the processed bananas are not bitter, you know. The reason is that banana pulp contains a lot of rubber that does not taste friendly to the tongue.

To practice the trick so that banana gedebog is not bitter, you only need one simple kitchen ingredient. In addition, this trick to cook chips from gedebog also makes the result crispy and delicious using a simple mixture of flour and spices.


Before trying the trick, first prepare the banana stem that you want to cook. The owner of the TikTok account @mursid241 explained that you have to use a young banana stem, so that the texture is not hard after being cooked later.

