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The condition of the rice being wet and not fluffier can certainly reduce its enjoyment when eaten.

  26 Juli 2024 12:00

Cooking rice with a rice cooker is a practical solution for people. This tool not only makes the cooking process easier, but can also produce perfectly cooked rice. However, even though rice cookers are designed to make the process of cooking rice easier, sometimes the end result is not as expected. One common problem is that the rice is too wet and not fluffy after cooking.

The condition of the rice being wet and not fluffier can certainly reduce its enjoyment when eaten. Rice that is too wet is usually caused by an unbalanced proportion of water and rice. Although most rice cookers come with measuring instructions, different types of rice require different amounts of water.

If you often have problems like that, no need to worry, there is a trick you can do to overcome them. The tricks shared by Facebook Skills users at home tend to be practical. You only need one kitchen ingredient and one tool to make rice fluffier and not soggy.

As reported by BrilioFood from the Home Skills Facebook account on Friday (26/7), the kitchen ingredient in question is red onions, while the tool uses a dry rag. Well, these ingredients and kitchen tools can be very effective in making the texture of rice fluffier and more delicious to eat. But of course you have to pay attention to how you use it, OK?


Basically, wet rice can potentially make it stale quickly. Well, red onions help kill bacteria that cause rice to go stale quickly. On the other hand, using a kitchen towel will absorb the water vapor that comes out of the rice. This makes the rice fluffier and no longer wet or mushy. That way, you can eat fluffier rice with various side dishes to eat at home.

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