foto: YouTube/Mas hans

For some people, boiling macaroni is a challenge because it often sticks.

  24 Agustus 2024 08:30

There are many macaroni dishes that can be made at home, for example maklor (egg macaroni), macaroni soup, various macaroni stir-fries, and many more. Well, before being cooked into a favorite dish, macaroni is usually boiled first until it expands and is soft.

However, many people are actually annoyed when boiling macaroni. Because, the fibers of the flour are washed away and make the boiled water thick. In fact, the thickened boiled water makes the macaroni stick to each other, you know.

Well, to get good boiled macaroni, there is a method from YouTube user Mas Hans. He explained that this method of boiling macaroni makes the results fluffy, perfectly cooked, not sticky, and does not go stale quickly.


After boiling for 10 minutes, turn off the stove. Then, drain the macaroni and transfer it to a container filled with clean water. Yes, this macaroni must be rinsed after boiling to remove the remaining water from the boiling. The water from the boiling must be drained from the macaroni so that it does not stick and does not go stale quickly. "Look at this, the remains (of the boiling water) are like porridge," said the owner of the YouTube account Mas Hans, quoted by BrilioFood on Saturday (8/24).

 YouTubee/Mas hans
