foto: TikTok/@widyaristiantii

Not just any old thing, it turns out this is how to make takoyaki that produces results like those bought from real vendors.

  14 Agustus 2024 09:00

Takoyaki is one of the most favorite Japanese snacks. This ball-shaped snack is made from wheat flour dough filled with octopus pieces, and cooked in a special semicircular mold. With a crispy outer texture and soft inside, takoyaki is a favorite snack at various festivals and night markets.

There are many takoyaki sellers scattered in various regions in Indonesia. With various fillings that are now not only octopus, you can buy it at an affordable price. In addition to buying, you can also make it yourself at home, you know. Even so, there is one thing to note when making takoyaki, namely the molding or frying process.

The reason is, there are still many people who fail when making takoyaki because the shape is not perfectly round when fried. If you want the results to be perfectly round and crispy, you can imitate the trick shared by TikTok user @widyaristiantii. Through one of the videos uploaded, she shared a simple tutorial on frying takoyaki so that it is perfectly round. Well, the tutorial is very practical and easy to imitate for beginners.

This video about the trick of making takoyaki has been watched more than 4 million times. It is no wonder that many netizens are interested and amazed by the results of the perfectly round takoyaki. On the other hand, there are also those who provide advice on making takoyaki.

" I'll use the trick later, ma'am, it's really difficult, " commented the TikTok account @hi_fanii.

" If I turn it three times, I'll fill it up again and it'll be round. I'm a takoyaki mall employee, " said TikTok @tyyy1571.

" I usually use 1 chopstick, I sharpen the end... because there used to be a lot of queues to buy... until I got used to 1 chopstick, " said TikTok @shwp


As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @widyaristiantii on Wednesday (14/8), the first thing to do is pour the takoyaki batter into the mold. Make sure the batter fills the top of the mold because this will prevent the takoyaki from deflating easily. After that, add the fillings such as sliced octopus, pieces of crabstick, or spring onions.

