Besides being dirty, oil that is used repeatedly can leave an unpleasant odor.

  17 September 2024 18:00

Cooking oil is an essential ingredient that is always in the kitchen. This oil is used for various cooking methods such as sauting, baking, and frying. When frying , usually the amount of oil used is much more than other cooking methods. In fact, for one cooking, it can require more than one liter of oil, depending on the type and amount of food being made.

Many people choose to use the same oil several times to save on monthly shopping costs. However, oil that is used repeatedly often becomes dirty and black, especially after cooking foods such as galangal fried chicken, baceman, or salted fish. In addition to being dirty, the oil can also leave an unpleasant odor.

Instead of throwing away dirty oil, you can purify it again. This time, not with flour. There is another trick that is also effective in cleaning oil. This trick was shared by a YouTube user on the account CREATIVE COMBO.

"The oil, which was originally black, has turned yellow again like new," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube CREATIF COMBO on Tuesday (17/9).


After that, turn off the stove and strain the oil. It is best to use a strainer with very small holes, so that all the dirt in the oil can be filtered perfectly. Then, the oil is ready to be used again for cooking or stored in a plate, bowl or other storage container. How, after using this trick, the oil looks like new again, right? Looking at the upload by YouTube CREATIVE COMBO, not many netizens have left comments. However, this video has been watched more than 227 thousand times, you know.

