foto: YouTube/yu sitie chanel; TikTok/@itsmenuf

Mopping is no longer a tiring job if you know this trick.

  27 Mei 2024 12:00 - Cooking oil is definitely a must-have ingredient in the kitchen. This material can be stored in a jar or bottle with a tight lid so it doesn't spill easily. However, there are times when some people are careless in the kitchen, so they accidentally spill oil on the floor.

This is guaranteed to make you not in a good mood, because the process of cleaning up oil spills on the floor is quite difficult. In fact, even though it has been mopped many times, sometimes the floor is still slippery because there is still oil residue.

So, for those of you who often experience this, you can try tricks from TikTok account user @itsmenuf at home. This woman admitted that since she learned about this trick for cleaning up oil spills, she no longer gets tired of mopping the floor over and over again, you know. After investigating, he only used one kitchen ingredient.

So, are you curious about the trick?

Clean up oil spills on the floor.

The first thing you have to prepare is rice flour . Yup, rice flour is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick of cleaning up oil spills on the floor. Immediately sprinkle the floor where there is an oil spill with the rice flour.

"Sprinkle oil spills with flour. Any flour is free," added the owner of the TikTok account @itsmenuf, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (26/5).

After that, use a brush or broom to scrub the floor so that the flour can absorb all the oil on it.

Tricks for cleaning up oil spills  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@itsmenuf

After scrubbing the floor for a while, immediately set aside the remaining flour that has managed to absorb the oil stain. The owner of the TikTok account @itsmenuf said that his kitchen floor, which was originally slippery and full of oil, became rough again because it had been dusted with flour.

Next, you can mop the floor just once so that the results are even shinier.

Tricks for cleaning up oil spills  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@itsmenuf

Wow, it's really a simple trick to clean up oil spills on the floor, isn't it? Take a peek at @itsmenuf's TikTok upload, although it hasn't received many comments from other netizens, this video has been watched more than 10 thousand times, you know.

@itsmenuf just sharing, moms, ready or useful. Sometimes we get confused when oil spills on the floor. I feel tired of cleaning it because the floor will definitely be slippery. You can try this method, inshaAllah, the floor won't be slippery... #tips #tipsandtricks #lifehack Suddenly (Speed Up) - Quinn Salman

How to store cooking oil so it doesn't spoil quickly.

Storing oil so it doesn't spoil quickly requires attention to several important factors such as temperature, light, air and humidity. Here are some effective ways to store oil so that it stays fresh and doesn't spoil quickly.

1. Store in a dark place.

Oil should be stored in a dark place because exposure to light, especially sunlight, can speed up the oxidation process which causes the oil to go rancid. Use a dark colored bottle or store it in a closed cupboard.

2. Stable and cool temperature.

Store the oil at a stable room temperature, ideally between 15-20 degrees Celsius. Do not store oil near heat sources such as a stove or oven because heat can damage the quality of the oil.

3. Close tightly.

Air can cause oxidation of the oil, so make sure to always close the oil bottle tightly after use. Use containers with airtight lids to reduce contact with oxygen.

4. Use a small bottle.

If possible, transfer the oil to a smaller bottle to reduce the amount of air that enters each time the bottle is opened. This also helps in consuming the oil faster before the quality degrades.

5. Keep away from strong-smelling chemicals.

Oil can absorb odors from chemicals or strong-smelling foods around it. Store the oil in a separate place from these ingredients to avoid odor contamination.

6. Do not store in the refrigerator (except certain oils).

Some types of oil, such as olive oil, can become cloudy and thicken when stored in the refrigerator. While this does not compromise its quality, it does need to be returned to room temperature before use. However, some special oils, such as flaxseed oil, should be stored in the refrigerator.

7. Pay attention to expiration dates.

Always check the expiration date on the oil packaging. Although the oil can last a long time, it is better to use the oil before the expiration date to ensure the best quality.

8. Avoid contamination.

Don't dip a dirty spoon or other utensil into the oil bottle because this can introduce dirt and bacteria that can speed up the oil's deterioration.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the oil you use stays fresh and high quality for longer.
