YouTube/Eddy Siswanto ; YouTube/Anggi Priyani

It's also not good to place it around equipment such as ovens, magic coms, and other electronic devices.

  6 Juni 2024 11:00 - Everyone has their own way of organizing the stock of cooking ingredients in the kitchen. For example, many people choose to put cooking oil near the stove so that it is easier to reach when they want to use it. In fact, placing these kitchen ingredients near the stove risks harm, you know.

Apart from near the stove, it is best not to store cooking oil near equipment such as ovens, magic coms and other electronic devices that can produce hot temperatures. This applies to various types of cooking oil, ranging from vegetable oil, palm, olive, and so on.

Reported by BrilioFood from on Thursday (6/6), one of the impacts of placing oil near the stove is that it can reduce or damage its quality. More precisely, cooking oil will turn rancid if it is exposed too often to bright light and hot temperatures from the stove.

It turns out that putting this kitchen ingredient near the stove will cause harm  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Eddy Siswanto

Apart from that, cooking oil that has experienced a decline in quality is also dangerous for your health, you know. Reporting from, oil whose quality decreases automatically also loses many nutrients. In fact, consuming food cooked with damaged oil risks causing free radicals.

It's not just about changes in quality, placing oil stock near the stove also risks causing a fire or explosion, especially if you don't cover the oil container tightly. When the oil storage area is accidentally touched, the oil spilled onto the stove risks disasters such as fires and explosions. You should avoid storing or placing it incorrectly before you regret it.

How to safely store cooking oil stock in the kitchen.

There are several ways to store cooking oil in the kitchen to keep it safe. First, instead of using plastic packaging or bottles, it's better to put it in a glass bottle.

Glass bottles are believed to be sturdier and can protect the oil from exposure to heat or air, so the oil can last longer. Then, place the glass bottle containing the oil in a dry area and away from hot temperatures.

On the other hand, cooking oil stocks should also be stored in a dark place away from exposure to sunlight. Reporting from, cooking oil will be safer if stored at a lower temperature, around 0 to 10 degrees Celsius, such as in the refrigerator.

It turns out that putting this kitchen ingredient near the stove will cause harm  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Pinky cuie ; YouTube/Anggi Priyani

Reporting from, even though it has been stored properly, you should also pay attention to the cooking oil expiration date. It is best to use up cooking oil immediately before the stated deadline.
