
Netizen-style frugal cooking action on @ashso07's TikTok account actually made many people shake their heads.

  25 Juni 2024 18:00

Brilio.net - Everyone has their own ninja way to save money. Especially regarding daily food needs, quite a few people choose to cook themselves so that their daily expenses can be reduced. Compared to snacks, cooking yourself tends to be more economical .

However, netizens' frugal cooking actions on the TikTok account @ashso07 actually made many people shake their heads. The reason is, this woman only spent Rp. 7,000 to eat all day. In fact, the capital was used by two people, namely she and her husband.

In the comments column of the upload which has been watched 1 million times, quite a few netizens are wondering, how can two people eat so full with only IDR 7,000?

"You can eat 3 shrimps for 2 people, how do you do it sis, so how many shrimps do you eat at a time," said TikTok @eriyati95, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (25/6).

"Have you eaten 3 times??? Sorry, aren't you tired??" said TikTok @Lia Ariyanti.

Let's take a peek at the food menu with a capital of IDR 7,000 from the TikTok account user @ashso07 and her husband, come on.

This netizen's cooking action makes people concerned  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ashso07

The first menu has 1 block of tofu. The owner of the TikTok account @ashso07 cut the tofu into 6 pieces to share with her husband when eating together later. He admitted that knowing this, he bought it for only IDR 1,000. The cooking method is also simple, after seasoning, fry the tofu in hot oil until brown.

The owner of the TikTok account @ashso07 also shares a trick to save on cooking oil in a month.

"Then, for example, if someone asks, is that 2 liters of cooking oil for a month? Well, this is a way to save money, I use used oil that I have put in a container like this," he explained.

After cooking the tofu, he continued making another side dish, namely shrimp. Well, the capital for this shrimp is a little more expensive, namely IDR 5,000 for 1 small plastic containing several shrimp. Just like tofu, he also fried this shrimp until brown. But before frying, he coated the shrimp with flour and spices.

This netizen's cooking action makes people concerned  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ashso07

The tofu and shrimp side dishes are ready, then the owner of the TikTok account @ashso07 prepares the vegetable menu. This time he used spinach which he bought for IDR 1,000 a bunch. Well, he didn't cook 1 bunch of spinach straight away, meaning he divided it into two, one for breakfast and one for dinner.

He cooked the spinach in sauce to become a clear vegetable. The seasoning is very simple, namely using only shallots, garlic and galangal.

This netizen's cooking action makes people concerned  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ashso07

So, those are the three main menus for the owner of the TikTok account @ashso07 to eat all day with her husband. He will later serve various side dishes and vegetables with rice and chili sauce.

This netizen's cooking action makes people concerned  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ashso07

So, do you think these menus make your stomach full or not? In the comments column of @ashso07's TikTok upload, quite a few netizens were surprised by the portion size of this meal, you know.

"This is one portion of my little brother's meal," said TikTok @aca.

"Just a basket of shrimp for rice," said TikTok @iwaan.

"Have you eaten 3 times??? Sorry, aren't you feeling weak??" said the TikTok account @Lia Ariyanti.
