foto: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

This trick makes the rice cooked perfectly, the results are fluffier, not dry and don't leave a crust.

  7 Juli 2024 11:30 - Rice has become the staple food of Indonesians, and quite a few people even think they haven't eaten if they don't eat rice. Generally, rice is consumed with various side dishes such as vegetables, fish, eggs, and many more. Rice can make the stomach full and the body gets energy to carry out daily activities.

Even though it is often considered to make you fat, rice is actually good for the body if consumed in moderation. Most people choose to cook rice using a rice cooker. The reason is that apart from being practical, cooking rice in a rice cooker is also fast, because it only takes a matter of minutes.

Unfortunately, the high temperature in a rice cooker sometimes causes the rice to dry out quickly. Apart from that, it also leaves a crust on the edges. This, of course, makes rice less enjoyable to consume. Not a few people use the method of mixing sticky rice with steamed rice so that the result is fluffier and not dry.

There are also those who add a little cornstarch to the gelatin to get a fluffier texture. It turns out, apart from these ingredients, there are other tricks to make rice fluffier and not dry, you know. This trick shared by the owner of the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura uses only kitchen ingredients .

" Rice becomes dry for too long in the rice cooker, here are tips so that the rice isn't dry and fluffy ," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Sunday (7/7),

The kitchen ingredient used is cooking oil. The method is very easy. First, prepare the rice you want to cook. Then, wash the rice until clean and drain the water.

Tricks for cooking rice so that the results are fluffier  2024

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

This time, the owner of the video uses a rice cooker when cooking rice. Put the rice in the rice cooker pan, and add water in the amount according to taste. Then, pour one tablespoon of cooking oil into the rice cooker pan and stir until evenly mixed. Turn on the ricecooker power button and wait until it is cooked.

Tricks for cooking rice so that the results are fluffier  2024

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

From the video, it appears that the rice is cooked perfectly, the results are fluffy, not dry and don't leave a crust on the edges.

" The rice is not dry, the rice is really fluffy, " he wrote.

Through the comments column, many netizens claim to have succeeded in making rice that is fluffier and not dry with the same trick. There are also those who share tips so that cooked rice is not dry and doesn't go stale quickly, namely by relying on olive oil.

" I use olive oil, so the rice lasts longer, it doesn't spoil quickly, " said the Instagram account @alatsariyyah_.

According to him, with the right dosage, olive oil will not cause an odor as long as you use the right dosage, namely 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. There are also those who share tips for using coconut oil which functions to reduce calories in rice.

" This tea is really great, using coconut oil is good and the tea can reduce calories in rice, " wrote the Instagram account @home.pinkpastel.
