
Dirty cellphone casings are difficult to get rid of.

  27 Juli 2024 15:30

Brilio.net - Casings are very useful in keeping the cellphone body safe from scratches or impacts. There are many types of cellphone casings that can be used, ranging from flexible casings, hard casings, and so on. However, cellphone casings that are used every day can get dirty quickly, causing the color to turn dirty.

Many people don't want to use a casing that is dirty, so they choose to buy a new one and throw away the old one. The reason is, brown stains that cause dirty cellphone casings are difficult to eradicate. However, if you know the trick, this dirty cellphone casing can be returned to being clean again, you know.

One of the netizens using TikTok @velvetcaviar shared his trick. Investigating further, this woman discovered that her cellphone casing, which was originally clear, had become dirty and brown after 3 days of activities outside the house. However, he has a trick that relies on three kitchen ingredients to clean dirty cellphone casings.

"After dried it off and put it back on my phone, it's like if nothing ever happened to it and it's like a brand new phone case new casing again)," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @velvetcaviar on Saturday (27/7).

Tricks for cleaning dirty, browned cellphone casings  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@velvetcaviar

To practice the trick, prepare a container large enough to submerge the entire cellphone casing. Fill the container with a small amount of powdered detergent.

Then, add enough baking soda, vinegar and dish soap. Yup, those are the three core kitchen ingredients for cleaning your cellphone casing with this trick. After that, dissolve all the ingredients in hot water and stir well.

Tricks for cleaning dirty, browned cellphone casings  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@velvetcaviar

Let the cellphone casing soak in the cleaning mixture until the water is no longer hot, approximately 30 minutes.

Tricks for cleaning dirty, browned cellphone casings  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@velvetcaviar

After soaking, rub the cellphone casing with a soft brush to remove any remaining stubborn stains. If all the stains are completely gone, just rinse the cellphone casing and it's ready to be used again.
