foto: YouTube/WandaPanda

Not a few types of thermos can only hold heat for a short time, even less than 24 hours. That's why many people get around it.

  22 Maret 2024 19:00 - Every day, a number of people never fail to consume hot drinks, whether hot water, hot tea, hot coffee, and so on. Now, to get hot water to brew drinks, nowadays it can be done instantly and easily because of the dispenser.

However, not everyone has a dispenser that has heating technology. As a result, many people still have to boil first so that there is sufficient hot water at home. So, the remaining unused hot water can usually be stored in a thermos so it lasts longer.

However, there are quite a few types of thermos that can only hold heat for a short time, even less than 24 hours. That's why many people get around it with a number of tricks. One way is to dismantle the thermos to insert cloth or styrofoam into the inside of the thermos.

It is believed that cloth or styrofoam tucked into the thermos can help it retain hot temperatures longer. However, different from netizens on the WandaPanda YouTube account, this man admitted that he had another trick to make the thermos last longer hot for up to 5 days, relying on one simple tool.

Tricks to make your thermos last longer hot for up to 5 days.

"The secret to making hot water last in a thermos, usually it gets cold for 1 or 2 days," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube WandaPanda on Friday (22/3).

So, the tool needed to practice this trick is an aerator hose. This hose is often used both to drain water in ponds and aquariums and for electric dispensers. Measure the length of the hose to match the diameter of the thermos lip, then cut it using scissors.

Tricks to make a thermos last longer hot for up to 5 days  YouTube

photo: YouTube/WandaPanda

After that, one end of the hose can be split slightly so that it can be joined to the other end of the hose, so that the hose can be wrapped around the lip of the thermos later. If so, attach it to the lip of the thermos and attach it using hot glue.

If so, the thermos can be closed tightly. So, the presence of a hose around the rim of the thermos is very useful for keeping the hot temperature from inside the thermos from easily escaping from the cracks in the thermos lid, you know.

"We will modify the seal of this aerator hose," emphasized the netizen on the WandaPanda YouTube account.

Tricks to make a thermos last longer hot for up to 5 days  YouTube

photo: YouTube/WandaPanda

How about it, this trick is really inspiring to use a thermos to make it last longer hot? Looking at WandaPanda's YouTube upload, there are still not many comments from netizens, but this video has already received enthusiasm from more than 300 viewers, you know.

Tricks to make a thermos last longer hot for up to 5 days  YouTube

photo: YouTube/WandaPanda

How to get rid of the smell on the inside of a thermos.

The thermos is often closed tightly and damp, so there is a risk of it getting smelly. Especially if the thermos is often filled with other types of drinks other than water. Well, below there are a number of ways to get rid of the smell.

1. Washing with soapy water.

Wash your thermos with warm soapy water. Use a soft brush or sponge to clean the inside thoroughly. Make sure to rinse it well after washing.

2. Use of vinegar solution.

Mix equal parts vinegar and warm water. Fill a thermos with this solution and let it sit for several hours or overnight before rinsing.

3. Use baking soda.

Fill a thermos with warm water and add a few teaspoons of baking soda. Leave this solution in the thermos for several hours before rinsing.

4. Use lemon water.

Squeeze fresh lemon juice and mix with warm water. Fill a thermos with this mixture and let it sit for a few hours before rinsing.

5. Use a mixture of water and odor remover.

There are special products you can buy in stores that are specifically designed to remove odors. Follow the directions on the label carefully.

6. Good drying.

After cleaning your thermos, make sure to dry it well before using it again. Take time to ensure that there is no moisture left inside.

7. Use of tea leaves.

Put some tea leaves in a thermos that has a smell. Leave it for a few hours before cleaning.

8. Use of ground coffee.

Put some ground coffee in a thermos that smells good. Leave it for a few hours before cleaning.
