foto: Instagram/@sangatmanis_id

If the refrigerator door is not closed tightly, the cold air inside will come out and the hot air will come in.

  22 Maret 2024 02:00 - Nowadays almost every house has a refrigerator. Not without reason, this electronic device is always relied on to preserve various stocks of food and drink ingredients. There are even people who have more than one refrigerator, you know.

Even so, using a refrigerator is also not free from problems. Like the temperature inside is not cold or the refrigerator door cannot be closed tightly. If the refrigerator door is not closed tightly, the cold air inside will come out and the hot air will come in.

Because the air is unstable, the refrigerator cannot work optimally. As a result, the compressor in the refrigerator will work harder. This of course has an impact on more wasteful use of electricity.

After investigating, this was because the refrigerator door rubber was hard. Knowing this, a number of people deliberately wiped it with hot water. In this way, the refrigerator door rubber will flex by itself.

But don't just use that method, it turns out there are other methods that can be used to fix loose refrigerator door rubber so that it closes tightly again. The method was demonstrated by a netizen, Instagram user @sebuahmanis_id.

How to fix loose refrigerator door rubber.

At the beginning of the video, this netizen shows the appearance of his refrigerator door. He deliberately put a piece of paper between the rubber of the refrigerator door. Because it is loose, the paper can be pulled easily.

rubber hairdryer door  2024

photo: Instagram/@sebuahmanis_id

To fix it, you don't need to disconnect the refrigerator from electrical power. There is one tool that needs to be prepared. Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @sebuahmanis_id on Thursday (21/3), the tool in question is a hairdryer.

Turn on the hairdryer as usual then aim it at the entire rubber surface of the refrigerator door. In the video upload, this netizen is directing the hairdryer from top to bottom.

rubber hairdryer door  2024

photo: Instagram/@sebuahmanis_id

Because it has been heated, the refrigerator door rubber which was initially hard becomes flexible. As a result, the loose parts are closed tightly. This was proven when a piece of paper was placed between the refrigerator doors.

rubber hairdryer door  2024

photo: Instagram/@sebuahmanis_id

Because it's tight, the paper doesn't fall off and sticks perfectly to the rubber of the refrigerator door. How, it's easy, right?

This method immediately caught the attention of netizens. Some of them also shared other tricks for dealing with loose refrigerator door rubber in the comments column.

"My refrigerator door rubber wasn't tight either. I took it off first, washed it clean. Dry it. Because I didn't have a hair dryer, I boiled it for a while in boiling water. Thank God it was tight again," wrote the Instagram account @bidan_umiendang.

"Those who don't have a hair dryer can buy it at shop, "refrigerator door lock" is cheap and not complicated," said the Instagram account @afanulil.

Tricks so that the refrigerator door rubber doesn't get moldy.

To prevent mold growth on the refrigerator door rubber, you can try the following tricks:

1. Keep it clean.

Make sure to regularly clean the refrigerator door rubber using a damp cloth. This will help remove moisture and dirt that can harbor mold growth.

2. Dry well.

After cleaning the refrigerator door rubber, make sure to dry it well using a clean cloth or dry towel. Make sure there is no remaining moisture, as moisture is one of the main factors that causes mold growth.

3. Use special cleaners.

You can also use a special cleaner to clean the refrigerator door rubber. Make sure to read the instructions for use carefully and choose a cleaner that is safe to use on rubber.

4. Avoid storing open wet food.

Do not let wet or watery food come into direct contact with the refrigerator door rubber. This can increase the risk of mold growth.

5. Use silicone or rubber lubricant.

To maintain moisture on the refrigerator door rubber, you can use silicone or a special lubricant for rubber. This can help maintain elasticity and prevent the rubber from becoming brittle or breaking.

By implementing these steps regularly, you can help prevent mold growth on the refrigerator door rubber.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.