
Unfortunately, in some dishes, sometimes the meat you want to prepare doesn't need to be boiled first because it can change the taste.

  25 Juni 2024 19:00 - For some people, processing meat is often a challenge in itself. How could it not be, meat, especially beef or goat, has a tough texture. If it is not cooked properly, the texture will remain tough and difficult to chew, which can reduce your appetite.

So that the meat is not tough, some people will use special cooking techniques . For example, by boiling meat using a pressure cooker. After all, boiling meat in pressure cooker can make the texture soft more quickly.

Unfortunately, in some dishes, sometimes the meat you want to prepare doesn't need to be boiled first because it can change the taste. For this reason, some people actually use other techniques, such as directly frying or sauting the meat with spices. Although the potential for the meat to be tough is actually higher.

But there's no need to worry, there is a trick you can do if you want to fry meat so that the texture is softer. One way to do this is to marinate the meat using cornstarch. Cornstarch can bind the water content in meat, so it doesn't dry out easily and become tough when fried.

Apart from marinating with cornstarch, there are other ingredients that can be used, you know. An Instagram user @savira_malik once shared this material through one of the uploaded videos. Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @savira_malik on Tuesday (25/6), he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen ingredient, namely baking soda.

Reporting from, baking soda or baking soda can increase the pH on the outside of meat when soaked. This process will make it more difficult for the proteins to bind together when the meat is fried later. When the protein breaks down, the texture of the meat will become softer and softer.

Tricks for frying meat so it's tender even if you don't boil it  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@savira_malik

How to use it is quite easy. First of all, cut the meat you want to process. For maximum results, it's best to cut the meat thinly. After that, put it in a bowl.

If so, sprinkle enough baking soda. Don't use too much or the meat can become bitter. After that, stir until smooth and let sit or marinate for approximately 1 hour.

Tricks for frying meat so it's tender even if you don't boil it  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@savira_malik

Next, rinse the meat thoroughly so that it doesn't taste bitter. Only then is the meat ready to be fried. You can fry it directly in oil or saut the meat using spices such as garlic, shallots and chilies. Even if you don't boil it first, this fried meat can still be tender, you know.

Tricks for frying meat so it's tender even if you don't boil it  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@savira_malik

Since it was uploaded on Saturday (22/6), this video about tricks for frying meat has been watched more than 1 million times. It's not surprising that many other Instagram users are interested and also provide responses directly in the comments column. Some of them even admitted that they wanted to try this trick directly.

"I tried this recipe yesterday... It's really delicious, thank you for the recipe," wrote the Instagram account @yulastriyeni.

"I really like this stir-fried meat, it's delicious, it's simple, it's not complicated and it doesn't have a lot of spices, it's really delicious," said Instagram @desycahayaa.

"Thank you sis for sharing the recipe," replied Instagram @irha_maya98.

"After marinating, do you rinse it again? Do you just cook it straight away?" asked the Instagram account @rrrecaaa.

"Wash it ma'am, otherwise it will foam and be a bit bitter," replied Instagram user @reniiiwulaan.
