foto: Instagram/@ayshamachmudy

If the processing method is not correct, the texture of the beef will actually be tough when eaten.

  18 Juni 2024 22:00 - Beef is a source of protein that many people like. Not without reason, various processed beef menus offer a delicious and appetizing taste. Moreover, beef can be processed into various menus such as rawon, soup, satay, rendang , even gule.

Unfortunately, some people admit that they are reluctant to process their own beef at home. The reason is, if the processing method is not correct, the texture of the beef will actually be tough when eaten. If it's like this, the enjoyment will be reduced.

As a solution, you can boil the beef first before cooking it with spices. To save more time, some people deliberately boil beef using a pressure cooker . The result is perfectly cooked beef in a short time.

Even so, this method takes a long time. Not to mention, gas use is also becoming increasingly wasteful.

As a solution, you can imitate Instagram user @ayshamachmudy when processing beef into a dish. In his video upload, this netizen goes through the process of boiling beef. Are you curious about the results being soft or not?

Utilize kitchen ingredients to tenderize meat.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ayshamachmudy on Tuesday (18/6), cut 250 grams of beef against the grain. Do this slowly so that the resulting beef pieces are intact and thin. If it is thin, the beef will cook quickly.

stir-fry beef without boiling  2024

photo: Instagram/@ayshamachmudy

Instead of boiling, the beef pieces are placed directly in the bowl. To make it soft, this netizen added 1 kitchen ingredient to it, namely 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Stir until all the pieces of beef are completely coated.

The purpose of giving baking soda is to tenderize the beef. Because, as reported by, baking soda can break down the protein in beef so that the texture becomes soft when cooked.

After that, just add the marinade spices in the form of 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, and 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil. Stir then let sit for 10 minutes.

stir-fry beef without boiling  2024

photo: Instagram/@ayshamachmudy

After letting it sit for 10 minutes, add enough water and 1 1/2 tablespoons of cornstarch to the beef. Stir then marinate again for 10 minutes.

Next, saute the garlic slices until fragrant. If so, add the marinated meat.

stir-fry beef without boiling  2024

photo: Instagram/@ayshamachmudy

Set the stove heat to high, then add sliced large green chilies, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, and 1/2 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce to the pan. Stir then saut the beef for just 2 minutes. As a result, the stir-fried beef is perfectly cooked and the texture is soft when you bite into it.

stir-fry beef without boiling  2024

photo: Instagram/@ayshamachmudy

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