YouTube/Queen azzahra family

Stubborn crust disappears easily~

  11 Februari 2024 16:29 - - The cleanliness of the toilet or toilet in the bathroom needs special attention. The reason is, toilets used for urinating or defecating tend to leave a lot of stains. This is made worse if the toilet used is not flushed properly.

If left dirty, the toilet can become a nest for germs and bacteria. And not only that, the toilet can also become crusty or even yellow. This certainly makes it less comfortable to use and there is an unpleasant smell coming from the toilet.

To overcome this, extra energy is needed to clean this stubborn crust. In fact, if you know the trick, you don't need to brush the stains on the toilet as hard as YouTube user Queen azzahra family does.

Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted to using a special trick. This trick can be effective if you use a mixture of cleaning agents. Well, this concoction is made with a number of kitchen ingredients, you know.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Queen azzahra family on Sunday (11/2), the kitchen ingredients used were table vinegar and dishwashing soap. This mixture of ingredients is then added with other ingredients, namely citrus. So a number of these ingredients can be effective in removing stubborn crust in the toilet.

To do this, prepare a bucket. After that, pour enough hot water. Then add 1 sachet of citrus, vinegar and dish soap. Stir all the ingredients until dissolved and mixed well. You can use a brush when stirring the liquid.

tricks for cleaning stubborn limescale in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Queen Azzahra family

Before applying, make sure you use protective equipment such as gloves so that your skin doesn't get irritated. Only then apply this liquid to the dirty part of the toilet using a brush.

tricks for cleaning stubborn limescale in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Queen Azzahra family

For maximum results, let it sit for 15 minutes. After that, rub the crusty area with sandpaper. Continue rubbing until the crust lifts and falls off. Finally, rinse the toilet with running water until all the stains and soap are removed.

"It looks a little complicated, but actually it uses a little energy," he explained.

tricks for cleaning stubborn limescale in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Queen Azzahra family

Well, the toilet that has been cleaned looks shinier, you know. There is no crust left at all. This indicates that the materials and tools are very effective in removing stubborn crust in the toilet.

"Apart from toilets, the liquid I made earlier can be used to clean yellow walls, crusty walls and other parts of the bathroom that are difficult to clean," explained YouTube Queen Azzahra Family.

tricks for cleaning stubborn limescale in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Queen Azzahra family

Since it was uploaded, on June 18 2023, this video has been watched more than 8 thousand times. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users were interested and also provided responses in the comments column. Most even admitted that they wanted to try this trick directly.

"The knowledge is really useful. Those who don't know will know... thank you," said YouTube @daffa5522.

"Great tips, I'll try them later," said YouTube @yagamilight2830.

"Thank you for your knowledge, Sis.
Very useful," said YouTube @yuricraft6081.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I will try it," said YouTube @mamaranufacilacap4329.

"So it really shines, bro, a really helpful cleansing concoction using citrus," explained YouTube @rutinitasirt.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.