YouTube/Galeri Linda

Crust and yellow stains on the toilet can trigger an unpleasant odor.

  8 Februari 2024 20:00 - Crust or yellow stains in the toilet are a common problem in bathroom cleanliness. This yellow crust is usually caused by a buildup of dirt, minerals and water. Apart from giving the impression of being dirty and unclean, crust and yellow stains on the toilet can trigger an unpleasant odor.

Unfortunately, this yellow crust becomes a stubborn stain that is difficult to clean . Even if you use porcelain cleaning fluid, the crust that is already stubborn is usually firmly attached. Well, this condition often becomes a problem for many people who want to clean the toilet, especially the toilet.

Then, to clean the yellow crust in the toilet, some people choose to use special materials. For example, by mixing citrus and hot water. After investigating, this citrus solution can remove thick crust in the bathroom, including yellow crust on the toilet.

However, if you have difficulty getting citrus, don't worry, there are other ingredients you can use. This material was shared by a YouTube user named Linda. Through Linda's Gallery YouTube account, she admitted that she relies on two kitchen ingredients as the main cleaner for her toilet.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Linda Gallery on Thursday (8/2), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar. So, these two ingredients will still be mixed with other ingredients, namely detergent, so that they can remove the stubborn yellow crust more optimally.

tricks for cleaning yellow crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

To use it, simply put baking soda and 1 small bottle of vinegar in a small bowl or basin. After that, stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed. Only then add enough liquid detergent. Apart from detergent, you can also use dish soap, you know. Then stir again.

Next, pour this mixture into the dirty toilet and the surrounding area. If it has been watered evenly, let it sit for 15 minutes so that the ingredients can react and soak into the yellow crust. After letting it sit, then scrub the toilet with a brush.

"To get more foam, you can add detergent to the brush you are using," explained Linda.

tricks for cleaning yellow crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

After brushing, rinse immediately with clean water. If there is still crust remaining, you can scrub it again with detergent. Or for maximum results, you can brush it using a pumice stone. According to Linda, this pumice stone is also effective in removing stubborn crust in the toilet.

tricks for cleaning yellow crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

Finally, flush again with running water. That way, the toilet will be cleaner and shinier. So, with this trick, the toilet won't be damaged because the materials used tend not to be as hard as porcelain cleaning fluid.

tricks for cleaning yellow crust in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

Having been watched more than 1 million times, this video belonging to YouTube user Linda Gallery immediately caught the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users were interested and provided responses directly via the comments column. Most of these netizens said they were grateful because they had gained useful new knowledge.

"Masyaallah, thank you for the tips, sis, they are very useful... Thank God, I was able to get the knowledge to clean a rusty toilet which is difficult to remove... it's amazing, sis, the results are very clean and shiny," said YouTube @dasdoblela.

"The way to clean the toilet is really good, the results look very clean," said YouTube @ahmadbidu6271.

"Thanks for sharing how to clean the toilet, the results are very satisfying," said YouTube @piteriyabu9217.
