foto: Unsplash/Sergey Kotenev

Automatic knife looks shiny like new~

  13 Agustus 2024 06:00 - Knives can rust due to a chemical reaction between the metal of the knife and oxygen in the air, especially when the knife is exposed to moisture. Especially if the knife is made of iron or steel that is not completely rust-proof, an oxide layer will form due to the reaction with water vapor or water that sticks to the surface of the knife.

The oxidation process causes the surface of the knife to become reddish brown and rough because of rust. This rust also reduces the sharpness of the knife. This condition can get worse if the knife is not dried properly after use or stored in a humid environment.

How to remove rust stains on knives  Various sources

photo: YouTube/tough warrior

Well, when the knife in your kitchen is already rusty, don't be confused because there is a way to remove it. One of them, the rusty knife can be soaked in vinegar. However, the owner of the YouTube account, the tough warrior, has another way that is no less effective.

How to remove rust stains on knives  Various sources

photo: YouTube/tough warrior

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Prajurit Kuat on Tuesday (13/8), you only need two kitchen ingredients to practice how to remove rust stains on this knife. The ingredients in question are 1 lime and salt. First, cut the lime, but don't cut it. Then, put about 1/2 tbsp of salt into the lime.

How to remove rust stains on knives  Various sources

photo: YouTube/tough warrior

Immediately rub the rusty knife into the lime that has been given salt. Reported from, the acid from the lime can lift stubborn rust stains, while the salt will be abrasive and help remove rust.

How to remove rust stains on knives  Various sources

photo: YouTube/tough warrior

After rubbing for a while, observe whether there are still rust stains on the knife. If the knife is completely clean, then wipe or dry it with a clean cloth. The knife is ready to be used again to cut cooking ingredients in the kitchen.
