YouTube/Teach Me How To Clean

If these rust stains are left, they might increase in number, you know. Rust can appear because the knife is often exposed to water and stains.

  31 Mei 2024 12:00 - Knives are usually made of metal, so they are sturdy and durable. However, if the knife is old enough, rust spots will appear on the surface. If these rust stains are left, they might increase in number, you know. Rust can appear because the knife is often exposed to water and stains.

Even though it's rusty, the knife can still be cleaned . One of the quickest tricks to clean rust on a knife is to rub it with sandpaper. On the other hand, you can also soak the knife in vinegar.

However, if you don't want to use the two tricks of sanding or soaking in vinegar, the method from YouTube user Teach Me How To Clean can also be an alternative. After investigating, this effective trick for cleaning rusty knives only relies on one kitchen ingredient that is usually used for cooking or making cakes.

How to clean rusty knives with just 1 kitchen ingredient.

At the beginning, prepare a container to mix the cleaning agent. Then, put baking soda into the container. Yup, baking soda is the main kitchen ingredient to practice this trick for cleaning rusty knives. Next, make the baking soda into a thick paste.

"This is a paste made with nothing but water and baking soda (This paste mixture is only made from water and baking soda)," emphasized the owner of the YouTube account Teach Me How To Clean, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (31/5).

Once the baking soda paste is ready, immediately apply it to the surface of the knife where there is rust.

Reporting from, baking soda is an effective abrasive for eradicating stubborn rust stains on metal furniture such as knives.

Tricks for cleaning rusty knives only rely on 1 kitchen ingredient  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Teach Me How To Clean

Let the baking soda paste sit for a few minutes so it can remove stubborn rust stains. Then, rub the knife with a rough sponge or wire wool to remove the rust stains. Finally, if all the rust stains are gone, immediately rinse the knife until it is completely clean.

Tricks for cleaning rusty knives only rely on 1 kitchen ingredient  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Teach Me How To Clean

Interesting to imitate, right?
