Rust stains fall off in minutes.

  29 Mei 2024 09:00 - Knives can rust because they are left wet too often. If rust appears, it's best not to use the knife to cut food again. Reporting from, rust can contain bacteria that are at risk of causing tetanus.

Many people are confused about how to clean rust on this knife, so they choose to just buy a new knife. In fact, rust on knives can be removed if cleaned with sandpaper, citron, or brick. However, if you don't want to use these three methods, the netizen-style method for cleaning rusty knives on the CREATIVE IDEAS CHANNEL YouTube account seems suitable for you.

This man explained that how to clean rusty knives can be done with two kitchen ingredients that are usually used for cooking.

So, curious about how?

How to clean a rusty knife so it shines.

Before starting the method, first prepare a small container to mix the cleaning agent. Then, put salt and vinegar into the container. Yup, here are the two main kitchen ingredients to practice how to clean rusty knives.

After that, add a little battery water which is usually used in vehicles to the cleaning agent mixture. Then, stir until evenly mixed.

"Be careful, don't get it on your hands, try to wear gloves or protection," emphasized the owner of the YouTube account CREATIVE CHANNEL IDE, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (27/5).

Without rubbing bricks, this is how to clean rusty knives  YouTube


Dip an old toothbrush into the cleaning mixture you have made, then rub it on the rusty knife. Then, leave it for 5 to 10 minutes to penetrate into the pores of the rust pile.

Without rubbing bricks, this is how to clean rusty knives  YouTube


Next, rub the knife on a stone or special knife sharpening tool, so that the rust stains can fall off. If all the rust stains have disappeared, then rinse the knife with running water until it shines.

Without rubbing bricks, this is how to clean rusty knives  YouTube


So, it's easy to clean this rusty knife, right? Taking a peek at the comments column in the CREATIVE IDEAS CHANNEL YouTube upload which has been watched 81 thousand times, quite a few netizens admitted that they were really helped after trying this method, you know.

How to store salt.

To store salt so that it remains durable and doesn't clump, you can follow the following tips.

1. Store in an airtight container.

Use an airtight container to store salt. Glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids are ideal to prevent moisture from getting in and causing clumping.

2. Add silica gel or rice.

Place several silica gel packets in the salt container. Silica gel will absorb moisture and keep the salt dry. Another alternative is to add a few grains of rice to the salt container. Rice is also effective at absorbing moisture.

3. Store in a dry place.

Make sure the salt is stored in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing salt near the stove or places that are often exposed to moisture.

4. Use dry leaves or egg shells.

Some people also suggest adding dried leaves (such as bay leaves) or small pieces of cleaned egg shells to the salt shaker. These two ingredients can help absorb moisture.

5. Use a metal container.

If possible, store salt in metal containers as metal tends to be more effective at blocking moisture than other materials.

6. Avoid exposure to air.

Try not to open the salt container too often so that it is not exposed to damp air from outside.

By following the tips above, you can ensure that the salt remains durable and does not clump even if stored for a long time.
