foto: Instagram/@dapoernya_linda

It turns out there is a simple trick to make knives sharp again.

  3 Juni 2024 21:00 - With use, knives can become dull due to various factors, such as repeated use or improper cutting techniques. In addition, knives that come into contact with hard objects can also affect their sharpness. Basically, hard objects such as bones or seeds can damage and wear down the edge of the blade. This then makes the knife dull.

To restore sharpness, some people usually sharpen their knives with a whetstone. However, there are also those who choose to rub the blade using sandpaper to make it sharp again. Indeed, these two tools can make the blade sharp again, making it comfortable to use.

However, you need to know that you need the right technique when sharpening a knife with these two materials. Because if it is wrong, the blade can remain dull. Apart from that, sharpening knives with stones and sandpaper also has the potential to cause hand injury if not done carefully.

Instead, you can use the method used by Instagram user @dapoernya_linda. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only used one kitchen tool and ingredient to sharpen a dull knife so that it was sharp again.

As reported by BrilioFood on Monday (3/6), the kitchen tool used was a fork, while the kitchen ingredient in question was salt. Even though they are not as popular as whetstones and sandpaper, these kitchen tools and materials can also be very effective in restoring the sharpness of knives, you know.

How to sharpen a dull knife so it's sharp using a fork  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dapoernya_linda

How to use it is quite easy. First, coat the tip of the fork with salt. You can sprinkle salt on the area or dip a fork (in clean condition) into a container filled with salt. Make sure the tip (teeth) of the fork is completely coated with salt.

How to sharpen a dull knife so it's sharp using a fork  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dapoernya_linda

Next, take a knife and sharpen it by rubbing the blade between the teeth of the fork. Continue rubbing repeatedly from front to back. The combination of the abrasive properties of salt and the hard surface of the fork will make the knife blade sharp again.

In the video, Instagram user @dapoernya_linda shows the results of a sharpened knife for cutting cucumbers. When used, cucumbers become easier to cut. This indicates that the knife is sharp again and ready to be used to cut various kinds of food ingredients.

How to sharpen a dull knife so it's sharp using a fork  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dapoernya_linda

After sharpening, make sure you keep the knife sharp and no longer dull. There are various ways that can be done, such as using the right cutting board, avoiding contact with hard objects, cleaning knives properly, and using knives according to their function. For example, a bread knife for cutting bread, a butcher knife for cutting meat, and a vegetable knife for cutting vegetables. So, using a knife according to its function will help maintain its sharpness.

How? Easy enough, right? You can imitate this method of sharpening a knife if you don't have a whetstone or sandpaper. With simple materials and tools, knives can be as sharp as new and more comfortable to use. Apart from being effective, this method also tends to be lower in risk.
