foto: YouTube/@JAENG AC Service

If the knife is dull, it can hinder the cooking process.

  27 Mei 2024 21:00 - If asked what the most important kitchen equipment is in the kitchen, perhaps one answer is a knife. Yes, a kitchen knife is an important tool that supports cooking activities. A sharp knife will help you when doing work such as cutting meat , vegetables and other cooking ingredients.

Well, using it at high intensity can make the sharpness of the knife become dull over time, you know. So what happens if the knife is dull? What is certain is that the process of cutting or slicing food ingredients will feel difficult and messy. This also influences the cooking time to take longer.

As a result, most people sharpen their knives using a whetstone or whetstone. The goal is to erode the blade again so that it is sharp again.

But there's no need to worry if you don't have a knife sharpening stone. A YouTube user, JAENG AC Service, showed another way to sharpen a knife that is already dull. Instead of using a sharpening stone, this netizen relies on a kitchen tool, you know.

"We sharpen it using kitchen tools too," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube JAENG AC Service on Monday (27/5).

How to make a dull knife sharp again.

how to sharpen a blunt knife-match  2024

photo: YouTube/@JAENG AC Service

Apparently the kitchen tool in question is a lighter that uses a battery system with wheels.

The first step, you sharpen the blade on the wheel of the lighter. The netizen revealed that the wheels on the lighter were so sharp that they could scrape a dull kitchen knife.

how to sharpen a blunt knife-match  2024

photo: YouTube/@JAENG AC Service

Do this sharpening process in one direction, namely from front to back or vice versa. Then do it alternately on the other side of the blade. So that the results are perfectly eroded, pay attention to the position of the knife so that it is slightly tilted.

how to sharpen a blunt knife-match  2024

photo: YouTube/@JAENG AC Service

The results are less than 5 minutes, the knife is sharp and can be used again.

This video on how to sharpen a blunt knife back to being sharp, uploaded by AENG AC Service, has also helped a lot of other YouTubers. The video, which has been watched 1.5 thousand times, received comments of thanks from a number of netizens.

"Thank you sir... very helpful for mothers... Stay healthy, sir..." commented the account @mildafarida6843.

How to care for kitchen knives to keep them sharp.

Maintaining kitchen knives to keep them sharp is important to maintain efficiency and safety when cooking. Here are some tips for maintaining kitchen knives to keep them sharp:

1. Use the knife correctly.

Use knives according to their function. Do not use a kitchen knife to cut hard objects such as bones or frozen foods.

2. Use a proper cutting mat.

Use a soft cutting mat such as a wooden or plastic cutting board. Avoid using glass, ceramic, or metal cutting mats that can damage the blade.

3. Clean the blade properly.

Wash the knife manually with warm water and soap immediately after use. Avoid washing knives in the dishwasher because this can dull the knife quickly and damage the knife handle quickly.

Dry the knife immediately after washing to prevent rust.

4. Store knives properly.

Store knives in a safe place, such as a knife rack, knife block, or blade guard. Avoid storing knives in a drawer without a protector as this can damage the blade and is potentially dangerous.

5. Sharpen your knives regularly.

Sharpen your knives regularly using a whetstone, manual sharpener, or electric sharpener. Manual sharpeners or whetstones often provide better results than electric sharpeners.

Use a honing steel (sharpening bar) every time before or after using the knife to maintain sharpness and straighten the blade.

6. Pay attention to cleanliness and maintenance of the blade.

Avoid contact of the blade with hard objects or rough surfaces. Also make sure the knife blade remains dry and clean from food residue which can cause corrosion.

By following the steps above, your kitchen knives will remain sharp and durable, making work in the kitchen easier and increasing safety when used.
