foto: YouTube/Anto Body Channel

Using brake fluid is risky, look for another method that is easy to practice.

  26 Mei 2024 15:30 - For some people, a car is not just a vehicle but also an investment. Therefore, keeping its appearance in top condition is important. Unfortunately, the exterior of the car is at risk of scratches when it rubs against hard objects. The size of the scratch is also influenced by how much friction the object has on the surface of the car body.

To deal with scratches on the car body, a number of people use various methods. One way that is often done is by smearing brake fluid on the surface of the car body. After smearing it evenly, let it sit for a while to dry completely. When it's dry, rub the dry cloth until the brake fluid is completely removed. As a result, the car's surface looks shiny and smooth again.

Unfortunately, you have to be extra careful when using brake fluid because it contains quite harsh chemicals. It's not surprising that there is a risk of causing a burning sensation when it comes into contact with the skin on your hands.

As a solution, you can replace the brake fluid with kitchen ingredients. As done by YouTube user Anto Body Channel. In his video upload, he smeared scratches on the surface of the car body with a kitchen ingredient. Are you curious about what kitchen ingredients to use?

How to deal with car scratches using kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Anto Body Channel on Sunday (26/5), one kitchen ingredient used is dishwashing soap. Apply this kitchen ingredient to all the scratches on the car body evenly and thoroughly. No need to use any tools, this netizen only relies on his bare hands in this process.

"Before sanding, we give this to make sanding easier and clean if there is dirt and asphalt spots," said the owner of the video.

remove scratches from your car using one kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Anto Body Channel

If so, flush the car body with sufficient water. Then rub sandpaper over the scratches on the car body. Without expending extra effort, the beret stains appear to fade immediately.

"Don't use too much pressure on the sanding, just do it lightly and evenly cover all the scratches," he said.

remove scratches from your car using one kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Anto Body Channel

After rubbing for a while, wipe the car body using a chamois cloth. As a result, several light scratches on the car body disappeared without leaving anything behind. However, there are still moderate scratch marks that are still visible.

"Medium berets must be cleaned down to the paint layer, then sanded again and rubbed with a soft cloth like this," he explained.

remove scratches from your car using one kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Anto Body Channel

Finally, leave it for a few moments until the car body is completely dry. After drying, the car body looks smooth again without the slightest scratches.

remove scratches from your car using one kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Anto Body Channel

Can scratches on the car disappear?

Scratches on a car can disappear, depending on the depth and severity of the scratches. For light scratches that only scratch the surface layer of paint, they can usually be removed with a scratch remover product or polish compound. The process involves cleaning the scratched area, application of a scratch remover product, and buffing with a soft cloth until the scratch fades. However, for deeper scratches that reach the base coat or metal, they usually require more in-depth repairs, such as repainting at a professional repair shop.

What are the risks of applying brake fluid to the car body?

Applying brake fluid to the car body is a very risky and unsafe action. Brake fluid is a very different substance from other lubricants or fluids typically used for car maintenance.

Here are some of the risks associated with applying brake fluid to the car body:

1. Damage to the car's way.

Brake fluid contains very strong chemicals and has the potential to damage car paint. Using brake fluid on a car body can cause spots, peeling paint layers, or even permanent damage to the paint.

2. Poor display.

Using brake fluid can leave stains that are difficult to remove and make the car look dirty and unattractive.

3. Health hazard.

Brake fluid contains toxic chemicals such as glycol ether or polyethylene glycol. Exposure to these materials may cause skin, eye, or respiratory tract irritation. If inhaled or exposed to large amounts, brake fluid can cause serious poisoning.

4. Risk of accident.

Using brake fluid on the car body can increase the risk of accidents because it can make the vehicle surface slippery. This can reduce traction and interfere with the driver's ability to control the car properly.
