foto: YouTuba/@Fafarozi - Motorcycle speedometer glass is often exposed to hot sunlight and also rainwater. As a result, if it has been around for years, the speedometer glass will become dull and appear to have cracks. Many people are sometimes confused about how to deal with it and restore it to shine again.
The reason is that the stained speedometer glass is very disturbing to the eye. Moreover, the longer the glass lasts, the more users will be unable to see the vehicle's speed on the speedometer. Therefore, this problem cannot be ignored for long.
Usually most people will immediately replace the speedometer glass with a new one. Even though the speedometer glass is full of cracked stains, it can be removed using certain materials. Well, usually oil is the speedometer cleaning agent that many people choose.
However, if you don't have oil stock at home, don't worry, there are other ways. One way to remove a thousand cracked stains on the speedometer glass was shared via an upload by YouTube user @Fafarozi. After all, you only need to prepare one kitchen ingredient to apply it to the speedometer glass.
The only thing you have to prepare to remove a thousand cracked stains on the speedometer glass is used cooking oil. Yes, this oil is the main ingredient for practicing this method.
"The method is that we look for the ingredients. We go to the kitchen and see what's in the kitchen. It turns out there is used cooking oil. You can also use new cooking oil," quoted from YouTube @Fafarozi
To use it, simply grease the surface of the speedometer glass with a little oil. Spread evenly using fingers. After that, let it sit for a few minutes or up to 15 minutes. The owner of the YouTube account @Fafarozi explained that the results of applying used cooking oil can be seen even if you leave it for just 15 minutes, you know.
photo: YouTube/@Fafarozi
"This time I will try to leave it for 15 minutes," he said.
If so, you can clean the surface affected by the oil using a cloth. So, if you want maximum results, the process of leaving used cooking oil on the speedometer glass can be done overnight. Even though it only lasted 15 minutes, the owner of this account proved that his motorbike's speedometer glass was super shiny.
"The longer the better. For example, a crack like this, if we leave it longer, for example 1 night, the results will be better because the oil will seep in," he said.
photo: YouTube/@Fafarozi
How interested are you in trying to apply this used cooking oil to clean your speedometer glass? Even though it hasn't received many comments, this video has already received enthusiasm from more than 1.2 thousand viewers.
How to process used cooking oil to make it more useful.
Processing used cooking oil to make it more useful is a good way to reduce waste and reuse it. Here are some ways to do it:
1. Refilter.
After use, strain the used cooking oil using a fine sieve or gauze to remove food debris. Then, you can store it in a clean container for reuse.
2. Mix with new oil.
If there is too much used oil or too dirty, you can mix it with new oil in the right ratio. This will help reduce the risk of oxidation and extend the life of the new oil.
3. Use it to fry again.
Used oil can be reused to fry the same or similar foods. Make sure to filter it first and make sure the oil is not too oxidized or smelly.
4. Soap making.
Used oil can be used as raw material for making soap. The process of making soap from used oil is quite simple and can be done with additional ingredients such as caustic soda and water.
5. Compost.
If you have access to compost, used oil can be added to the compost. However, make sure to use a limited amount as oil can inhibit soil aeration and affect the balance of the compost.
6. Use as a lubricant.
Used oil can also be used as a lubricant to lubricate hinges, bicycle chains, or other equipment that requires lubrication.
7. Alternative use.
Some people use used oil as fuel for oil lamps or candles. However, make sure to do this carefully and only if you are sure of its safety.
Be sure to check local regulations regarding disposal of used oil. Some places have special rules about how to dispose of used oil to avoid environmental pollution.