foto: YouTube/Ummi Fina

There are always alternative ways to clean cooking utensils. When one method is not effective or the ingredients are not available, you can try another method.

  11 Mei 2024 10:30 - When cooking, sometimes the bottom of the pan gets wet or dirty without realizing it. As a result, when the bottom of the pan is exposed to the stove fire, the stain or liquid that is still on the bottom of the pan turns into a black crust. A stove fire that is too big also risks causing the bottom of the pan to burn.

Black crust stains on the bottom of the pan are usually difficult to remove if you just wash them with water and soap. So it's not surprising that many people rack their brains to find other ways, such as soaking the pan in hot water. As is known, hot water is effective in removing stubborn black crust stains .

However, it is different from netizens on Ummi Fina's YouTube account. This woman has another trick for cleaning black crust on the bottom of a pan without needing hot water at all, you know. After all, he only needed three cooking ingredients to practice this pan-cleaning trick.

How to clean black burnt crust from a pan.

The first thing you have to prepare is salt, baking soda and vinegar. Yup, those are the three core cooking ingredients to practice this trick for cleaning black crust on the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt and baking soda first.

After that, pour enough vinegar. The process of pouring vinegar will produce a chemical reaction in the form of foam which will work to soften stubborn crust so that it is easier to clean later.

"(Then) let it sit for a few minutes," said YouTube account owner Ummi Fina, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (9/5).

The trick to cleaning black crust on the bottom of a pan is just using 3 ingredients  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ummi Fina

After letting it sit, pour enough dish soap into the bottom of the pan. Scrub the bottom of the pan with the help of a wire wool until all the black crust is removed. If the bottom of the pan is really clean, then rinse it with running water.

The trick to cleaning black crust on the bottom of a pan is just using 3 ingredients  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ummi Fina

How about it, the trick is really practical, isn't it? If you are interested in trying the trick to clean black crust on the bottom of the pan with this trick or do you have other tricks?

How to store salt so it doesn't get damp.

Salt stored in the kitchen can get damp, you know. This can cause the salt to clump and harden in the storage jar. Here's how to store salt so it doesn't get damp.

1. Use a tightly closed container.

Salt should be stored in an airtight, tight container. This prevents moist air from entering and making the salt wet.

2. Add rice grains.

Adding a few grains of rice to the salt container can help absorb any moisture that may be in the container.

3. Use silica gel.

Silica gel is an effective drying agent. Place several packets of silica gel in the salt container to absorb moisture.

4. Keep away from moisture.

Store the salt container in a dry, cool place, away from sources of moisture such as a damp kitchen or near a sink.

5. Avoid using wet spoons.

Make sure the spoon or measuring tool used to take the salt is dry and clean. If there are water droplets, it can make the salt damp.
