foto: YouTube/DIAZ DREAM

Even though you have rubbed as hard as you can and for a long time, the ink stains are sometimes still clearly visible. So you need the right way to deal with it.

  7 Mei 2024 19:00 - Ink stains on fabric are usually a frustrating problem because they make the appearance look bad. Unfortunately, even if you are careful, sometimes ink spills or streaks can get onto the fabric at any time.

To clean it, some people deliberately rub the cloth with a detergent solution. However, even though you have rubbed as hard as you can and for a long time, the ink stains are sometimes still clearly visible.

If you experience something similar, there's no need to worry. Because there are other ways that can be practiced to remove ink stains from fabric. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user DIAZ DREAM. At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of a piece of cloth covered in pen ink. Because the basic color of the fabric is plain, the ink stains are very clearly visible.

Effective way to remove ink stains from fabric.

Clean fabric ink stains using two kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/DIAZ DREAM

Instead of rubbing cloth with detergent, this netizen has his own way of cleaning his cloth. He seems to rely on two kitchen ingredients, namely vinegar and salt. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube DIAZ DREAM on Tuesday (7/5), pour a few drops of vinegar onto the ink stain on the cloth.

Clean fabric ink stains using two kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/DIAZ DREAM

If so, add salt to the surface of the cloth too. After that, dry the cloth in direct sunlight. Pour enough water then rub the cloth with both hands.

Clean fabric ink stains using two kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/DIAZ DREAM

Because it has been treated with a solution of vinegar and salt, the ink stain on the cloth appears to fade by itself. You don't need to bother rubbing the cloth for a long time. Because in just a matter of seconds, the ink stain will immediately disappear and nothing remains.

Next, dip the cloth into a container filled with clean water. While checking to make sure the cloth is free from ink stains and cleaning solutions.

Clean fabric ink stains using two kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/DIAZ DREAM

As a result, the ink stain on the fabric appears to be gone. If this is the case, the cloth can be used again as usual. This method of cleaning ink stains can be used to clean clothes, trousers, and even bags, you know.

Clean fabric ink stains using two kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/DIAZ DREAM

How to store salt so that it lasts a long time and doesn't water.

To store salt so that it lasts and doesn't run out, first make sure you use an airtight container. Here are some tips for storing salt well:

1. Use a tight container.

Store salt in an airtight container, such as a glass jar or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Make sure the cover is tight to prevent air from entering.

2. Keep away from moisture.

Place the salt container in a dry place away from sources of moisture, such as a pan or bathtub. Moisture can make the salt wet and lumpy.

3. Keep away from direct heat.

Avoid storing salt near direct heat sources, such as a stove or oven. Heat can trigger condensation inside the container and make the salt damp.

4. Add silica gel.

You can also add silica gel packets to the salt container to absorb moisture. Make sure the silica gel is in airtight packaging and does not come into direct contact with salt.

5. Keep it clean.

Make sure the containers and tools used to store salt are clean and dry before using. Contamination with water or humidity can speed up the clumping of salt.

By following the tips above, you can store salt properly so that it remains durable and doesn't water for a longer period of time.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.