foto: YouTube/@myversionofzen

With this kitchen ingredient, yellow stains on white shirt collars can be removed without the hassle of brushing them.

  5 Mei 2024 16:28 - White shirts are often chosen as everyday outfits because they are suitable for combining with any color and are minimalist. But behind its stylish appearance, white shirts are also susceptible to dirt or stains, you know. Especially in the collar area which is often exposed to sweat.

If sweat stains stuck to your shirt collar are not washed immediately, over time they can turn into yellow stains. If this happens, the yellow stain will be difficult to remove even if you brush it with detergent. The appearance of a white shirt also looks dirty and dull.

As a solution, a number of people use additional ingredients to wash yellow stains on shirt collars. This trick was also done by YouTube user @myversionofzen. In one of his video uploads, he admitted that he could remove yellow stains from the collar of a white shirt without bothering to brush it by relying on kitchen ingredients.

Tricks to remove yellow stains from white collars, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/@myversionofzen

After investigating, the kitchen ingredients used were dish soap and baking soda. He also uses hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3% to help fade stubborn yellow stains.

Tricks to remove yellow stains from white collars, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/@myversionofzen

First of all, prepare the white shirt to be washed. After that, pour enough hydrogen peroxide all over the collar of the shirt that is covered in yellow stains. Also add enough dish soap and baking soda. Spread the three ingredients evenly so they can absorb the stain optimally.

"Then we leave it for 6-8 hours. If it's really bad, leave it overnight, no problem, just wash it tomorrow morning," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube/@myversionofzen on Sunday (4/5).

Tricks to remove yellow stains from white collars, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/@myversionofzen

After leaving it overnight, the YouTube user continued the washing process using a washing machine. Put the shirt in the washing machine drum, then add detergent and grind until it is really clean.

Tricks to remove yellow stains from white collars, add 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/@myversionofzen

"After washing it with detergent, we dry it in the sun and don't forget to turn it upside down when drying it. So the dirty parts are exposed to direct sunlight," he added.

After the shirt was dry, the yellow stain had completely faded and lifted. The white shirt is clean and shiny again, like new.

Benefits of hydrogen peroxide for clothes

Hydrogen peroxide has several benefits for clothing, especially in the context of whitening and stain removal. Here are some of the main benefits:

1. Bleaching.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a whitening agent for dull or yellowed clothes. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in the correct ratio as directed on the product label, then soak clothes in the solution before washing to help remove stains and restore faded color.

2. Stain remover.

Hydrogen peroxide can be effective in removing stains on clothing, especially those caused by blood, coffee, tea, or ink. Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide directly to the stain before washing, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash the item as usual. Be sure to test a small area of the clothing first to ensure that the hydrogen peroxide does not damage the color or fibers.

3. Cleaning.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a cleaning agent for clothes that are lightly stained or soiled. Mix a little hydrogen peroxide with water and use the mixture to clean any stains or dirt on clothes before washing them.

4. Eliminates odor.

Hydrogen peroxide can help remove unpleasant odors from clothes. Add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the water when washing clothes that have a strong or unpleasant odor, and let the solution soak into the fibers of the clothes before washing.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.