foto: YouTube/Queen azzahra family

Don't let these paint stains harden until they reduce the cleanliness and aesthetic value of clothes, be they shirts, t-shirts, trousers, even headscarves.

  4 Juni 2024 14:00 - Of course you have to maintain your appearance well. The reason is, appearance is the first thing that other people see about you. If your appearance is neat, it will certainly give a positive impression to people who see it.

Appearance can be seen from the clothes you wear. Even so, sometimes clothes can become dirty because they are exposed to various types of stains that are difficult to remove, such as paint stains .

If it has already been affected, it is not enough to wash clothes using detergent alone. If you just wash it normally, the paint stains will still be clearly visible. So what's the solution?

A YouTube user, Queen Azzahra Family, showed how in one of her video uploads. Instead of scrubbing his clothes with detergent, this netizen actually mixed a special cleaning solution to remove paint stains on clothes or clothes. However, in this context, the YouTube user practices how to clean paint stains for a veil.

An easy way to clean paint stains on clothes such as shirts, trousers and headscarves.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Queen Azzahra Family on Tuesday (4/6), the main cleaning ingredient used is toothpaste. Apply and rub toothpaste on the surface of the veil that is stained with paint.

how to remove paint stains from clothes using dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Queen azzahra family

Once the toothpaste has been rubbed evenly into the paint stain, let the mask sit for 5 minutes. The goal is that the toothpaste can work optimally to remove paint stains.

After leaving it for 5 minutes, this netizen added another cleaning agent in the kitchen, namely dish soap. Pour then scrub the hood with dishwashing soap solution using a toothbrush.

how to remove paint stains from clothes using dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Queen azzahra family

Because it has been scrubbed with toothpaste and dish soap, the paint stains appear to have faded. If you feel clean, the clothes (veil) can be rinsed immediately.

Without needing to wash it with detergent again, rinse the veil directly with running water. While rubbing to make sure there are no paint stains or cleaning solution left. As a result, the appearance of the veil looks maximally clean. There are no paint stains left at all.

how to remove paint stains from clothes using dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Queen azzahra family

This video belonging to YouTube user Queen Azzahra Family immediately caught the attention of netizens. Since it was uploaded in November 2023, the video has been watched 18 thousand times and liked by 455 other YouTube accounts.
