foto: Instagram/@satekerang_khadeejah

The results are equally effective when using pineapple or baking soda. The taste of the food remains safe.

  28 Juni 2024 21:00 - Processing beef is a challenge for some people. The reason is, beef has a tough texture if processed carelessly. Even though it has been cooked for a long time, the texture remains hard so the enjoyment is reduced.

As a solution, some people deliberately marinate beef using pineapple or baking soda before cooking. These two kitchen ingredients are thought to be able to break down the protein in beef, so that the texture is more tender when consumed later.

However, if marinated for too long, the beef can actually fall apart. Not only that, adding baking soda also changes the original taste of the beef itself. So what's the solution?

How to make beef tender when cooked.

An Instagram user @satekerang_khadeejah shows another method that can be used to tenderize beef. As seen in the video upload, this netizen processes beef into a soupy dish.

First, saut the red spices in the pan. When it is fragrant and cooked, then add the beef pieces into it. Stir until completely mixed. Then slowly add the coconut milk and water, stir again and wait until it boils.

So that the texture of the meat becomes soft quickly, this netizen seems to have included 1 type of leaf, namely jackfruit leaves. Make sure the jackfruit leaves you use have been washed clean first. In his video upload, this netizen appeared to have added around 3 jackfruit leaves.

tenderize the meat using jackfruit leaves  2024

photo: Instagram/@satekerang_khadeejah

Because he wanted to be more complete, he also seemed to include pieces of potato as a mixture. Stir and cook until the beef is cooked perfectly.

tenderize the meat using jackfruit leaves  2024

photo: Instagram/@satekerang_khadeejah

When it is completely cooked, turn off the stove heat. Serve this beef dish with chili sauce and a plate of rice. Because it is boiled together with jackfruit leaves, the texture of the resulting beef is perfectly tender.

The texture of the meat is also amazing. "Even though it is dense, it is still soft and delicious," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @satekerang_khadeejah on Friday (28/6).

You can practice this trick when processing beef into other dishes, OK? The method is the same, just mix the jackfruit leaves into the beef cooking water. After investigating, the contents of jackfruit leaves are effective in tenderizing various types of meat. This was conveyed by a netizen in the comments column of this video.

Because there are enzymes in the sap of jackfruit leaves. The function is the same as papaya leaves... all gummy plants can be used to tenderize meat. "But we need to see whether these plants are usually eaten by humans or not," wrote the Instagram account @rudju7.
