foto: Instagram/@yulianamenjoi

Tinutuan or what is known as typical Manado porridge is different from ordinary porridge.

  12 Juli 2024 02:00 - Tinutuan or what is known as typical Manado porridge is different from ordinary porridge. From the appearance, this dish has a striking yellow color. When looking at the contents, there were several sliced vegetables and pieces of meat. The following is a typical Manado tinutuan recipe that is both delicious and filling, reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @yulianamenjoi.

How to make typical Manado tinutuan  2024

photo: Instagram/@yulianamenjoi

- 250 gr rice, wash clean, drain
- 2 stalks of lemongrass, crushed
- 1 tsp granulated sugar
- 1 tbsp salt
- 200 gr yellow pumpkin, cut into cubes
- 200 gr sweet potato, cut into cubes
- 1 piece of sweet corn, shelled
- 1 small bunch of spinach, chopped
- 1 small bunch kale, cut into pieces
- 1 bunch basil, picked leaves
- Fried salted fish
- Chili shrimp paste

How to make:
1. Put the rice and lemongrass into the pan. Cook as you usually cook rice, add quite a bit of water. Stir so it doesn't burn. Cook until it becomes mush.
2. Add corn, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, salt and sugar. Wait for all the ingredients you just added to soften. Stir occasionally so it doesn't burn.
3. Add kale, spinach and basil leaves. Stir well. Wait for it to boil. Turn off the heat.
4. Serve Manado porridge with fried salted fish and shrimp paste chili sauce.
