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Frequent use makes the blender blade dull

  11 Mei 2024 13:30

Brilio.net - Blenders are often used to grind various types of cooking spices. The method is also fairly easy, just put various cooking spices in a blender glass. Then plug the blender cable into electrical power, then press the "on" button. That way, the cooking spices will be perfectly finely chopped.

The blade which is shaped like a propeller plays an important role in this process. When the "on" button is pressed, the blender blade propeller automatically rotates rapidly. This process will smooth the cooking spices in the blender glass.

However, over a long period of use, the blender blade can become dull, you know. This condition causes the blender to not be able to puree the cooking spices optimally. To overcome this, some people usually sharpen blender knives in various ways.

The first way, put the egg shells in a blender glass then turn on the blender as usual. After blending for a while, the knife inside will be sharp again. If this method doesn't work, you can replace it with salt. In the same way, this kitchen spice is also effective for sharpening blender knives.

But don't just use these two ingredients, it turns out there are other ways you can practice sharpening blender knives at home. The method was demonstrated by TikTok user @diy.lifehacks.id. In the video upload, this netizen can be seen replacing egg shells and salt with a kitchen utensil.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @diy.lifehacks.id on Friday (10/5), one kitchen tool used is aluminum foil. It doesn't just have to be new, this netizen even relies on used aluminum foil from snack packaging, you know.

sharpen blender knives using aluminum foil  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@diy.lifehacks.id

First, cut the aluminum foil with scissors. Once done, put the pieces of aluminum foil into the blender glass, until it fills half the contents, then cover tightly.

sharpen blender knives using aluminum foil  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@diy.lifehacks.id

Attach the blender cup to the machine then turn it on as usual. That way, the piece of aluminum foil inside will rotate while sharpening the blender knife.

sharpen blender knives using aluminum foil  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@diy.lifehacks.id

If you think it's enough, turn off the blender. Discard the pieces of aluminum foil inside then wash the blender thoroughly. You can use the blender straight away as usual, without having to worry about the blade becoming dull again.

sharpen blender knives using aluminum foil  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@diy.lifehacks.id

Easy way to open the edge of aluminum foil.

Easily opening the edges of aluminum foil can be a bit of a hassle, but there are several ways to do it without any hassle. Here are some easy ways to open the edges of aluminum foil:

1. Use your fingers or nails.

Use your finger or nail to press the edge of the aluminum foil in the center just above the fold line. Then slowly pull it outwards. This helps separate the layers of aluminum foil without damaging them.

2. Use a knife or scissors.

If the edges of the aluminum foil are too tight and difficult to open with your fingers, use a knife or scissors to cut the edges. Make sure to cut carefully so as not to damage or curl the foil.

3. Use the square tip.

Many aluminum foil squares have edges designed to make opening easier. Look for the larger or more prominent tip on the side of the box and use it to pull and separate the layers of foil.

4. Use a toothpick or needle.

If the edge of the aluminum foil is too small to hold with your fingers, use a toothpick or needle to open a slit in the tip of the foil. After that, you can pull it with your fingers or nails.

5. Use a paperclip.

If you have a paperclip, use it to pinch the edge of the aluminum foil and pull gently. This can help separate the foil layers without damaging them.

By using one of the methods above, you can open the edge of the aluminum foil paper easily and without hassle. Always make sure to proceed carefully to avoid damaging or curling the foil.

@diy.lifehacks.id Can aluminum foil sharpen the blade on a blender? CR: @maryaam_khan_official_ on IG #tips #tipsbuatkamu #tipsdantrik #tipsmudah #DIY #lifehack #lifehacks #tiktokhacks #superhacks #DIYLifeHacksIndonesia #MakesLifeEasier Happy Eid - Gasentra Pajampangan
