foto: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

The weakness of the stone mortar is that it easily becomes moldy, so it needs to be cleaned regularly.

  28 Agustus 2024 05:00 - Stone mortar is one of the traditional kitchen tools that is often used to process herbs and spices. This includes the spices used to make chili sauce. With its rough and sturdy texture, stone mortar is able to crush cooking ingredients perfectly, resulting in a delicious taste.

Although strong and durable, stone mortars have one weakness, namely that they are easily moldy. Mold on stone mortars usually appears due to moisture left behind after use or washing. The porous texture of the mortar allows water and food waste to be easily absorbed into it, creating an ideal environment for mold growth.

If not cleaned and dried properly, this fungus can grow rapidly. As a result, the mortar will emit an unpleasant odor. Not only that, even worse, the fungus and bacteria in it can contaminate the food being processed.

Well, so that this stone mortar can be hygienic and suitable for use again, you can do a number of tricks to clean it. This trick was once shared by Instagram user @ummubalqishaura through one of her uploaded videos. She admitted that a moldy stone mortar can be shiny again even without being soaked in hot water for a long time.

Furthermore, Instagram user @ummubalqishaura chose to use two kitchen ingredients . As reported by BrilioFood on Wednesday (28/8), the kitchen ingredients in question are rice and garlic. These two ingredients can help eliminate fungus and bacteria in the mortar, making it more suitable for use.

tricks to overcome moldy mortar  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

How to use it, make sure the mortar is dry first. Then add enough rice and grind it using a stone pestle. Grind it until it is really smooth so that the mold stains can be removed. If the rice is smooth, take it and throw it away.

tricks to overcome moldy mortar  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Next, add two cloves of peeled garlic. Then grind them using the same mortar and pestle. Once smooth, rinse the mortar using hot water. This will make the mortar cleaner and more hygienic.

tricks to overcome moldy mortar  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

But for maximum results, apply cooking oil to the surface of the mortar, then dry it directly under the sun. The scorching sunlight will help kill the remaining bacteria that cause mold in the pores of the mortar. When it is dry, the mold stains will be completely gone and this stone mortar is ready to be used as before.

This upload about the trick to overcome moldy mortar has been watched more than 53 thousand times. There are many other Instagram users who are interested and also provide direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens expressed their gratitude for getting new, useful knowledge.
