
This palm-sized fruit holds bright orange flesh that is mouth-watering.

  27 Agustus 2024 19:00 - When on vacation to Dieng, you will often find a small yellow fruit. Yes, this exotic fruit is called carica. This fruit with the Latin name Vasconcellea pubescens is a close relative of papaya that grows well in mountainous areas. It's no wonder now that carica is often found in the Dieng Plateau, Central Java.

This fist-sized fruit contains bright orange flesh that is appetizing. When cut open, a sweet and fresh aroma immediately emerges. The flesh looks shiny, with a soft but slightly crunchy texture.

Carica is not only delicious eaten directly, but can also be processed into sweets, jam, or syrup. This carica juice drink is a favorite among tourists visiting Dieng. The fresh sensation can quench thirst while pampering the tongue. For those of you who are interested in processing it, let's see 5 typical Dieng carica recipes, sweet, fresh, and suitable as desserts, as compiled by BrilioFood from various sources, Tuesday (8/27).

1. The typical Dieng carica recipe is simple.

Dieng's typical carica recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@ayuferaw_

- 5 pieces of papaya
- 1 liter of water
- 125 gr granulated sugar
- 1 packet of vanilla

How to make:
1. Peel the carica fruit then cut it into 2.
2. Separate the fruit and seeds.
3. Cut the papaya fruit into small pieces.
4. Boil the carica fruit until it boils to remove the sap.
5. Add 100 ml of hot water to the papaya seeds, then crush and strain.
6. Boil 1 liter of water, add the seed water, sugar and vanilla.
7. Cook until the water boils.
8. Add the papaya fruit.
9. Correct the taste then cook until it boils again.
10. Carica drink is ready to be served.

2. Fresh Dieng carica recipe.

Dieng's typical carica recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@sandraasilvera

- 2 kg of ripe carica
- 1 tbsp lime
- 3 liters of water
- 750 gr granulated sugar

How to make:
1. Peel the carica (use gloves because the sap causes itching).
2. Cut the carica in half, scoop out the contents and put them in a container. Then cut the carica into pieces.
3. Soak the pieces of carica fruit in a solution of whiting water for approximately 1 hour.
4. Blend the carica contents. Then strain using a thin cloth to get the juice. Repeat up to 3 times.
5. Boil 3 liters of water until it boils, add sugar and carica juice, cook until the sugar dissolves.
6. Add the carica and stir for about 5-10 minutes. Remove.
7. Serve cold for better taste.

3. Dieng's special refreshing carica recipe.

Dieng's typical carica recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@makaronis_

- 10 ripe carica fruits
- Sufficient granulated sugar
- Sufficient water

How to make:
1. Wash the papaya, peel it, remove the seeds, cut into cubes and wash it again.
2. Squeeze the seeds that have been removed and add enough water, then strain into a pan.
3. In a pan containing the squeezed water from the seeds, add the pieces of papaya flesh and granulated sugar.
4. Cook over medium heat until boiling and cooked.
5. Pour into a glass, chill in the refrigerator.
6. Enjoy while cold.

4. Dieng's typical carica recipe with nata de coco.

Dieng's typical carica recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@dwiyani_suprapti

- 1 cup of papaya fruit drink
- 1 cup nata de coco
- Basil seeds to taste
- Ice cubes as needed

How to make:
1. Cut the papaya fruit into small pieces.
2. Discard the nata de coco water.
3. Mix the chopped papaya fruit with nata de coco.
4. Mix the papaya fruit drink with ingredient number 3 above.
5. Add basil and ice cubes.

5. Dieng's special sweet and sour carica recipe.

Dieng's typical carica recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@septi_hapsoro

- 3 kg of carica fruit
- 1 kg granulated sugar
- A pinch of salt
- Light yellow food coloring (optional)
- Lime betel
- Water

How to make:
1. Peel the carica fruit, separate the seeds. Cut the fruit into squares or according to taste, soak in water with lime solution for 30 minutes, wash and drain.
2. Squeeze the papaya seeds until the fruit juice and seeds separate, add water, then strain.
3. Boil carica fruit juice, add sugar, coloring and a little salt.
4. After boiling, add the papaya fruit, cook until boiling, turn off the stove.
5. Candied carica fruit is best enjoyed cold.
